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Tim Horton's Steeped Tea


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You've all seen the commercials...the hilarity displayed when the out-of-touch mom thinks "steeped" is a new slang. Side-splitting marketing humour!

The first time I heard tell of this supposed new concoction from Timmy's I thought to myself: "Steeped" tea. What the hell? Isn't all tea steeped? I mean, if it's not steeped, it's really just a cup of hot water with a tea bag floating in it. I was flummoxed.

"Who's going to fall for this obvious scam?", I wondered

Yet every morning whilst picking up my coffee at Timmy Ho-Ho's, I am regaled by a chorus of "Steeped tea! Steeped tea!"

People seem to love the stuff!

Since I have a cold, today I thought I'd succumb to the hype and try a legendary steeped tea. I'm not sure what I expected. But...

...it's just tea.

Molten lava temperature tea, but just tea, nonetheless.

This PSA brought to you from PFTAPOTM (People for the Accurate Portrayal of Tea in the Media).

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you know, for years i complained that it was so stupid that tim horten's brews coffee, but doesn't have a pot of tea -- driving down the highway and trying to co-ordinate a tea-bag, way too hot water, and all the waiting stirring & mess in a moving car is a pain in the ass.

then they actually came out with [grand booming voice]STEEPED TEA, and i don't like it. i think it tastes stale or something, i like the teabags better. :D

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Well, it was tea, but just in kit form.

And it's possible to make tea without steeping, by just pouring the water through one of those little tea baskets (usually with loose tea); to me, steeping involves leaving the tea in the water to soak for a while.



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Well, it was tea, but just in kit form.

And it's possible to make tea without steeping, by just pouring the water through one of those little tea baskets (usually with loose tea); to me, steeping involves leaving the tea in the water to soak for a while.



When I said, "Isn't all tea steeped?" I was using hyperbole for effect.

And I'm pretty sure you're not going to get tea at Tim Horton's created by the sluicing of water through tea leaves in one of those little containers.

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You've all seen the commercials...the hilarity displayed when the out-of-touch mom thinks "steeped" is a new slang. Side-splitting marketing humour!

The first time I heard tell of this supposed new concoction from Timmy's I thought to myself: "Steeped" tea. What the hell? Isn't all tea steeped? I mean, if it's not steeped, it's really just a cup of hot water with a tea bag floating in it. I was flummoxed.

"Who's going to fall for this obvious scam?", I wondered

Yet every morning whilst picking up my coffee at Timmy Ho-Ho's, I am regaled by a chorus of "Steeped tea! Steeped tea!"

People seem to love the stuff!

Since I have a cold, today I thought I'd succumb to the hype and try a legendary steeped tea. I'm not sure what I expected. But...

...it's just tea.

Molten lava temperature tea, but just tea, nonetheless.

This PSA brought to you from PFTAPOTM (People for the Accurate Portrayal of Tea in the Media).

[color:purple]How [color:purple]do I get involved with this organization "PFTAPOTM - People for the Accurate Portrayal of Tea in the Media" I think I can do this world a lot of good being a part of this orgainization - any info is appreciated.


Carrie - against wrongful portrayal of tea in the media!

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Could be worse. You could have a the clueless mom in the Tim Horton's commercial saying: "Cool let's all get tea-bagged!"

Actually that would be hillarious. Almost as good as theier "Lord of the Rims campaign." (insert rimming joke here)


I love it.

Carrie, it's really a grassroots organization at the moment (i.e. one member strong! fight the power!), but I'm hoping for a surge in membership, now that I'm getting the message out there, rocking the vote..you know what I mean.

The tea appreciates your support!

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i remember when the change happened. the price went up at least 30 cents and it was the exact same...i don't know if you can still get their raspberry tea anymore...

timmy's sucks. glad to live in starbuck's land, but that's not any better...

it's all hype. You can't even get a long shot/twice run americano at starbuck's! fucking assholes don't trust their own baristas.

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