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Hello! GRUVLIX host, Ed Staples here.

For those who don't know, GRUVLIX is a radio show that happens on CKCU every Wednesday at 11am EST. The show supposedly features jambands, though has kind of lost its way over the past few months. Still, it plays pretty good music from time to time, and, NEXT WEEK on Wednesday, October 26th, in honor of the 30th anniversary of CKCU, and its funding drive, and the upcoming VEGOOSE show in Las Vegas, GRUVLIX will be featuring a show comprised of artists that are featured at the event.

So, in order to save me the time of picking which bands to feature, and in order to try and encourage listeners, I've decided to have a fun little game of sorts.

Essentially, what I'm going to do is post a list of possible bands from which I might play a song from next week, each with a number next to it. What I'd like is, whether you're going to listen or not, is to +1 and -1 from one band per post.

The idea is to strengthen (add to) the band you want to hear, and weaken (subtract from) the band you don't want to hear. Each band starts at 10. Should a band get to 0, it is eliminated.

I'm going to limit each person to one vote per day. The polls will be open until 10 contestants are left or Tuesday, October 25th -- whichever comes sooner.

Please do participate, even if you don't intend to listen, as, really... we need the votes. :D


Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 10

Beck - 10

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 10

Primus - 10

Ween - 10

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 10

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 10

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

So, to vote, simply cut and paste the list, with your alterations to it. Ie. the first poster should have one band with 11, and one with 9.

TO TUNE INTO THE SHOW - 93.1 FM in Ottawa and www.ckcufm.com in real audio on the internet!

Also, CKCU's funding drive will be up and at 'em on Friday, October 21st. Please, if you are a listener to this wondeful station, do help out any way you can. Tune in to GRUVLIX or any other show for details...

Thanks guys, please do help...

Edited by Guest
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  • Replies 51
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Top Posters In This Topic

Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 10

Beck - 10

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 9

The String Cheese Incident - 10

Primus - 10

Ween - 10

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 11

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 10

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 10

Beck - 10

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 9

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 11

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 11

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 10

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

Edited by Guest
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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 10

Beck - 10

Phil & Friends - 2,143,765

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 11

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 10

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 0

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 10

Beck - 10

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 9

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 10

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 10

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10



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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 10

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 10

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 10

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

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Sorry, everyone seems to be missing Basher's revised post, so, here's the current tally, after AD...

Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 10

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 9

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 11

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 10

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 9

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 11

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 9

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 9

The Flaming Lips - 9

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 9

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

The Arcade Fire needs more college radio airplay like I need a goddamn hole in the head.

Good idea, Tonberry! I was wondering what was up with you and your fancy radio show, glad to see you're still keepin' on. Cheers.

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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 10

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 11

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 8

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

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Oops, we posted at the same time. I'll fix it:

Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 9

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 8

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 10

Spoon - 10

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Widespread Panic - 10

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 9

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 11

Spoon - 10

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Widespread Panic - 0

Jack Johnson - 0

Beck - 5

Phil & Friends - 15

Trey Anastasio - 0

The Arcade Fire - 0

The Flaming Lips - 20

The String Cheese Incident - 0

Primus - 30

Ween - 50

Gov't Mule - 0

The Shins - 0

moe. - 30

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 0

The Decemberists - 0

Umphrey's McGee - 20

Spoon - 0

Does this mean your keeper...I mean co-host is letting you pick the music again?

Edited by Guest
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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 9

The Flaming Lips - 9

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 11

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 8

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 11

Spoon - 10

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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 9

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 9

Primus - 10

Ween - 11

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 11

Spoon - 10

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Does this mean your keeper...I mean co-host is letting you pick the music again?

I'll be the only one selecting music next week, if that's what you mean...

It's a new day, which means everyone who's voted can now vote again. May I once again stress the need for votes? Thanks, friends!

Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 9

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 8

Primus - 10

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 11

Spoon - 10

Ween +1

SCI -1

(If we mention our vote, it'll make it easier to keep track of)

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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 10

The Arcade Fire - 8

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 8

Primus - 11

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 12

Spoon - 10

+1 for McGee

-1 for Arcade Fire

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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 9

The Arcade Fire - 8

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 8

Primus - 11

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 10

Umphrey's McGee - 13

Spoon - 10

+1 for UM

-1 for Trey

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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 9

The Arcade Fire - 8

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 7

Primus - 11

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 11

Umphrey's McGee - 13

Spoon - 10

Decemberists +1

SCI -1

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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 9

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 9

The Arcade Fire - 7

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 7

Primus - 11

Ween - 12

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 11

Umphrey's McGee - 14

Spoon - 10

+1 for McGee

-1 for the Arcade Fire, again

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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 8

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 9

The Arcade Fire - 7

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 7

Primus - 11

Ween - 13

Gov't Mule - 10

The Shins - 10

moe. - 12

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 11

Umphrey's McGee - 14

Spoon - 10

Ween +1

Jack Johnson -1

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Widespread Panic - 11

Jack Johnson - 8

Beck - 11

Phil & Friends - 10

Trey Anastasio - 9

The Arcade Fire - 7

The Flaming Lips - 10

The String Cheese Incident - 7

Primus - 11

Ween - 13

Gov't Mule - 9

The Shins - 10

moe. - 13

Michael Franti & Spearhead - 7

The Decemberists - 11

Umphrey's McGee - 14

Spoon - 10

+1 for moe.

-1 for Gov't Mule

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