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Recommendations please: Relaxing non-distracting music


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I am not in the habit of coming on the Skanc and telling about my personal moods. That said, due to many unrelated occurrences, today is unbelievably stressful and I could use some help here before I go nuts.

I need to get considerable work done today, but I need some tunes to keep me sane. I'd like to stream something really relaxing, but something that won't distract me. I need something without vocals, quiet, and really calming.

Can someone recommend such an album that I could find and stream on id1git.com, before I go insane? The reason I'm seeking a recommendation is that I'd like something I'm not already familiar with, so I won't be as distracted. Any thoughts?

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Well, I've got a different Keith Jarrett album going right now, but already helping.

CyberHippie, Dr. Didg'll be next.

(Thanks for the Anal Cunt recommendation MarcO. It was a unique suggestion, which of course I had to check out first. lol I actually could only find them on a death-metalcore compilation, and their song wouldn't actually stream, but I got the gist of their sound from the other bands on there. I might save their album for AFTER I lose it and decide to go postal. It should be the perfect soundtrack.)

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ummmm i would go for (as silly as this sounds) the cranberries "no need to argue" album. you'll want to skip over zombie and maybe odd to my family b/c a) zombie is not really the relaxing type unless you need to do some cathartic yelling, and B) ode to my family was also a hit, so you may know it. the rest of the album is really quiet, melodious and unobtrusive. my study music in high school and still calms me down when i'm upset.

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Bill Frisell's "Good Dog Happy Man" is also excellent.

Vida Blue's "The Illuminated Band" is a bit more upbeat but not at all in-your-face, nice stuff all around.

Try some Steve Reich for some beautiful-but-repetitive-beautiful-but-repetitive hypnotic classical music.

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Guest Low Roller

The fuck... Why has nobody mentioned Miles Davis yet? A little Kind of Blue to cure what ails ya StoneMtn.

If that won't do ya, how about some Boards of Canada? It's only the best chill-out music out there. I suggest Geogaddi or In A Beautiful Place Out in the Country.

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My day just improved markedly!

A friend from a different board took it upon himself to send me a package full of some bootlegs of shows I've seen, which just arrived at my office.

I am now holding in my hot, little hands:

John Zorn's Electric Masada (Vancouver 2002)

Living Daylights (Vancouver 2003)

Neil Young (Vancouver 2004)

As I said, the day's looking better.

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