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as for mulroney as a representive of the conservative party, i think you may be on the border of judging a book by it's cover. as i said before "if mulroney didn't exist". i'm sure a few mind sets would be different (in the least).

Waitaminnit. Isn't the bulk of the CPC's election campaign based on blaming the current government for the sins of Jean Chretien?

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Clark has been vocal about disliking the new party. Can't remember everything that he has said offhand, but I do recall him and Brison having a press conference and referring to the CPC as the Reform party in pantyhose or something.

As for the Mulroney thing:

I dunno if it's fair to damn the CPC because they aren't the PC party, but then also paint them with Mulroney. It's either the same party or it's not, non?

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Clark has been vocal about disliking the new party. Can't remember everything that he has said offhand, but I do recall him and Brison having a press conference and referring to the CPC as the Reform party in pantyhose or something.

yeah, last election Clark was saying he wouldn't vote Conservative as they no longer resembled the party he believed in... couldn't remember the exact quote so didn't bring it up but wanted to

everyone wants change (particularly the conservatives apparantly, considering the 22 commercials an hour I'm getting blasted with telling me how scandalous the liberals are) but the fact of the matter is times aren't too bad... Harper makes me shudder, just doesn't seem very interesting or like much of a diplomat (and I'm never going to forgive him for wanting to send Canadian troops into Iraq)

my personal experience and education leave me leaning liberal

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Waitaminnit. Isn't the bulk of the CPC's election campaign based on blaming the current government for the sins of Jean Chretien?

i would say so, but i'm not the one blaming the current government for the sins of Jean Chretien. And hasn't the bulk of say the last fifteen years been the liberal party of Canada painting a picture of right wingers similar to that of which willy believes above? i think so. it's all a game. you can choose to get all wrapped up in it, or you can choose to have the clear head and not buy into the bullshit.

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i think harper is far more diplomatic than say, chretien. that guy was a joke.

i agree with you payce-ley, times are alright.. but it's time (for me at least) to have a slight shift in political focus. i think dangerous things can happen when one party becomes accustomed to governing for too long a period.

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And hasn't the bulk of say the last fifteen years been the liberal party of Canada painting a picture of right wingers similar to that of which willy believes above?

Smarten up and do your homework -

Preston Manning

Stockwell Day and

Stephen Harper

..and their Reform/Alliance/Conservative (not PC) Party represent more neo-conservative US Republican religious-right style political and economic thought than has ever been seen in Canadian history (until now when they order their extremists not to speak and whore themselves out to the political centre with a moderate platform looking for votes)

We didn't have to paint them as anything, look into their backgrounds and past statements, we should not let these type of people off the hook for some of the bile they have spouted off over the years.

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again, judging a book by it's cover.

you ask to be 'let off the hook' for people like jean chretien, but you can't extend the same courtesy to the opponent?

edit to add: and i am referring pretty much entirely to the inbred, backwoods image.

further edit to add: i only think it fair to give this party a chance before we paint them with our cynical brush, considering how new they are. the faces that have come to this date are representative of a party struggling for an identity and a face that can truly represent. which i don't think stephen harper does. harper is reform and i think a softer PC face would do the party wonders.

considering this is the only "right" option in Canada, i don't think anyone sitting on the "right" side of the fence appreciates the stereotypes, irregardless of what one could quote. they may look reform, but there's still a lof of PC left in the party and i imagine that is what the opponents are trying to hide.

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I'm not sure that a party struggling to find an identity is necessarily the best option on offer....

i'm not saying it is.

rather to judge or stereotype a party who is struggling to find an identity and in it's infancy hasn't been able to accomplish anything is wrong.

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Maybe Willy wasn't being totally fair here. Perhaps we should add more conservative types into the equation.

1. The religious Right.

2. (Some) rich people who are more concerned with taxes than social services.

If you think that the Conservative Party is not a far right neo-conservative style group you are wrong and you do need to do your homework. Just ask Joe Clark ;) Then again I have heard conservative MP's first hand say terrible right wing things in committees and at receptions.

i think there are elements to the conservative party that are far right, neo-conservative (mainly the reform element), but in it's entirety i'm inclined to think there still exists some remnants of the old PC party, even if joe clark is out.

i would say the best solution is to attempt to remain objective. there's been a few not so pretty faces on the conservative side of the fence just as there has been on the liberal side. i'm sure in your job you've heard some pretty racy stuff come out of people's mouths, especially come election time when emotions run high. but i suppose how you view the extreme right and their terrible ways, there's a conservative out there who gets just as boiled up about something someone from the extreme left said. so it always runs both ways.. just depends where your own ideology falls.

i wonder what the future of the CPC is.. if so many years fighting for the unity of the right will fall to pieces cuz the middle right can't handle the extreme.

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to judge or stereotype a party who is struggling to find an identity and in it's infancy hasn't been able to accomplish anything is wrong.

but as an option on my ballot sheet, I am obligated to make a judgment. Particularly since their policy proposals are hardly mysteries. The goal for some is to make sure they do not have the opportunity to accomplish anything and for someone like me that's not partisan politics or close-mindedness. It's a serious clash of values.

Harper has done well in this campaign and he deserves a great deal of credit. However, he also hasn't had to deal with any loony comments from his party members, they have been effectively docile and complacent in this run. And their relative silence makes me nervous.

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Harper has done well in this campaign and he deserves a great deal of credit. However, he also hasn't had to deal with any loony comments from his party members, they have been effectively docile and complacent in this run. And their relative silence makes me nervous.

It sounds like you're assuming that CPC party members are loony, and the only reason you haven't heard "loony comments" is because they're keeping quiet (being "docile and complacent"). Perhaps the reason you haven't heard any loony comments is because they're not loony?



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to judge or stereotype a party who is struggling to find an identity and in it's infancy hasn't been able to accomplish anything is wrong.

but as an option on my ballot sheet' date=' I am obligated to make a judgment. Particularly since their policy proposals are hardly mysteries. The goal for some is to make sure they do not have the opportunity to accomplish anything and for someone like me that's not partisan politics or close-mindedness. It's a serious clash of values.

Harper has done well in this campaign and he deserves a great deal of credit. However, he also hasn't had to deal with any loony comments from his party members, they have been effectively docile and complacent in this run. And their relative silence makes me nervous.


the option on your ballet sheet 9.99999999999999 times out of 10 is not stephen harper.

and by all means go ahead and judge, i can't stop you. but don't judge on face value. the liberals request that of canadians and the conservatives do too.

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Harper has done well in this campaign and he deserves a great deal of credit. However' date=' he also hasn't had to deal with any loony comments from his party members, they have been effectively docile and complacent in this run. And their relative silence makes me nervous.


It sounds like you're assuming that CPC party members are loony, and the only reason you haven't heard "loony comments" is because they're keeping quiet (being "docile and complacent"). Perhaps the reason you haven't heard any loony comments is because they're not loony?




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