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13-Year Old Girl Dead from Ecstasy


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Montreal girl, 13, dies after taking ecstasy during sleepover

Last Updated Tue, 07 Feb 2006 15:33:06 EST

CBC News

A 13-year-old girl from Rigaud, west of Montreal, died in hospital Monday afternoon after taking the drug ecstasy.

Police say the girl and a friend were at a sleepover Saturday night in Hudson when they started talking about taking ecstasy. They say the two curious teens called a 16-year-old friend and went over to his place to get the drug.

Sûreté du Québec spokeswoman Chantal Mackels said the boy's parents weren't home at the time.

When the girls returned to Hudson, Mackels said in an interview Monday, the 13-year-old became very ill.

"One of them really felt like nauseous and not well and so the mother was advised. The mother saw the state of the child and she called 911," Mackels said.

An ambulance carried her to a local hospital, where she was stabilized before being transferred to Montreal Children's Hospital.

Mackels said it's not clear why only one of the girls became sick and died, given that both took equal amounts of the powerful stimulant and hallucinatory drug.

"For children that want to experiment with drugs, it's always a bad idea, especially if it's in a powder or a pill, because you don't know what was put in there by whom and when it was done, and the concentration of whatever you're taking."

A 16-year-old boy appeared in court Monday afternoon on drug-related charges.

Mackels said he could face further charges because of the girl's death.

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I read an article a couple years ago that was very similar to this. In that one the girl that passed away died from too much water. Two girls ate some vitamin-e for the first time and since they had heard you should drink water, they drank tonnes to the point that the one girl ended up with too much water in her blood and died. I wonder if it was something like that. The article mentioned that this wasn't all that uncommon in e deaths it just doesn't play out in the media that way.

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good thing I didn't get bunk E first time I did acid as an early teen... the half assed drugs of prohibition kill another innocent

yeah, unless it was the water thing... hope, if I have any, my kids trust me enough to ask me about drugs if they grow curious

too bad either way

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its amazing that some on here are blaming the way the article portrays the drug, rather than that a 13 year old is taking E.

Who cares if its good, clean, bad, or dirty...a 13 year old shouldn't be taking E.

yep, every human being is exactly the same as every other human being so there's an exact correct age for every individual human to take their first trip

sorry to offend bro but I dissagree... in my mind some people should never trip... some people should wait until they're older... and some people are perfectly fine experimenting when they're younger... if you're thinking about getting high odds are you're going to find a way, I started thinking about it at 12

the girl died from the E, odds are it was bunk, maybe she drank too much water... could've happened if she was 40

which is better, a parent who says "no kid of mine is doing drugs at 13. period."


a parent who says "well looks like we're there all ready, time have a talk" then tells them what they know of to look out for

edit to add: not meaning to belittle this tragedy by any means... its a terrible terrible thing

I blame suburbia, society, pushy mass media, prohibition, and people who try to pull a fast one to turn a quick buck

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because marco is correct E has nothing to do with climbing
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Ectasy is not the culprate here. Lack of judgement, lack of knowledge (on the girl's part) knee jerk media culpability and the "just say no" mentality are to blame.

P.S. I find it very hard to swallow that it was the pill and the pill alone that kiled her (assuming she took only one.) Even if it was filled with heroin, drano and rat poison there is not egnough volume in one average sized ectasy tab to kill you, you need way more. There are other extenuating circumstances I'm sure....but ""13 killed by ectasy" makes a better headline and sells more papers.

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I don't know what the chemical is but there's something people substitute into one type of bunk E's that makes you feel like you need tons of water... but then you can't process the water... you compulsively keep drinking and its actually the water that kills you

I'm paraphrasing but its something like that

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my friend fell off the mountain and died when he was 18, whats the correct age to start climbing

I agree that this is a very specious argument. As a climber, I think the main difference is that you can easily be trained to be very safe in the mountains. The only option with E is to become trained in chemistry and then run tests on the drug before taking it.

In no way comparable.

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agreed, I actually just editted that out while you were posting Stn Mountain

was personalizing again, I started climbing when I was young behind my parents backs... my parents thought I was too young at 10, but I loved climbing... fell down a cliff once and had to lie that I rubbed out on my bike (and bang up my bike) to get to the hospital

apologies for the personalizings, been up working since 3 am so its very late for me

I still say exctasy shouldn't kill you, 13 or not... if it was clean E I think that girl would be braggin about how high she was or how she's never doing drugs again to her friends instead of the tragic result

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I don't know what the chemical is but there's something people substitute into one type of bunk E's that makes you feel like you need tons of water... but then you can't process the water... you compulsively keep drinking and its actually the water that kills you

I'm paraphrasing but its something like that

The something your talking about is one of two chemicals.

The first is called DXM. DXM is an active ingredient in cough syrup like Nyquil. When extracted and put in a pill, it makes you feel relaxed, slow and dreamy. You feel very lethargic. DXM on it's own is not really a problem in moderate doses, except that it's not the high you paid for.

The second (to which you were reffering to) is called PMA (not sure what the abbreviation means), anyways this chemical in small doeses, can produce feeling of energy and euphoria, whoever in larger doses, can raise the interal body temperature. If one is not savy and keeps dancing and drinking water this can be a problem. Especially if your body weight is low.

If you recognize this (and you should by the fact that you'll feel a little warm to the touch and may be sweatting more than usual), the idea is to not eat another pill, go bananas on the dancefloor, and pound water by the jug to cool down. If you do this you'll be drowning yourself and affecting your brain function while at the same time heating up your body even more by dancing. The strategy is to drink water moderatly and slow your activity until, you process the PMA.

Now if you're agirl of thirteen and have no clue and take another pill and another, you could be fucked!

(P.S. When testing ectasy with the Marquis Regent test, if the pill sample begins to smoke at all, it contains PMA.)

That is my experiecne.

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The something your talking about is one of two chemicals.

The first is called DXM. DXM is an active ingredient in cough syrup like Nyquil. When extracted and put in a pill, it makes you feel relaxed, slow and dreamy. You feel very lethargic. DXM on it's own is not really a problem in moderate doses, except that it's not the high you paid for.

The secord (to which you were reffering to) is called PMA (not sure what the abbreviation means), anyways this chemical in small doeses, can produce feeling of energy and euphoria, whoever in larger doses, can raise the interal body temperature. If one is not savy and keep dancing and drinking water this can be a problem. Especially if your body weight is low.

If you recognize this (and you should by the fact that you'll feel a little warm to the touch and may be sweatting more than usual), the idea is to not eat another pill and go bananas on the dancefloor and pound water by the jug to cool down. If you do this you'll be drowning yourself and affecting your brain function while at the same time heating up your body even more by dancing. The strategy is to drink water moderatly and slow your activity until, you process the PMA.

Now if you're agirl of thirteen and have no clue and take another pill and another, you could be fucked!

(P.S. When testing ectasy with the Marquis Regent test, if the pill sample begins to smoke at all, it contains PMA.)

That is my experiecne.

and thank you for it. i had to read the sentence about testing ecstasy twice, i instantly had a vision of you in a lab somewhere downing a pill.

i have a huge beef with the idea of "drug education." it basically amounts to the mr mackie approach..."don't do drugs, children. drugs are baaad." if everyone learned about drugs, particularly the bunk ones and just how bad they can be for you and exactly what they do to you rather than just saying that thy're bad, things like this might be prevented.

but that raises a whole new batch of problems. if someone had truly told me about drugs earlier, i'd have missed way more classes :) the fix for this is way to big of a cultural shift to happen all at once...but imagine just for a moment a safe place for people who want to try a drug, with real information about the harm it might do...sort of a "safe ingestion club...."


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got to add my two cents here... ladies and gentlemen, there is a reason why ecstacy is illegal, its fucking dangerous! 13 year old children do not understand the concept of responsibility--grade 8 we are talking here--- they are still playing at recess...

how can you blame society and teaching "children" that drugs are bad-- come on, a thirteen year old just died, that in my estimation is a fucking tragedy.

There is a reason for educating children to stay away from "hard" drugs.

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