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The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

I gotta see this new western. Tommy Lee Jones won best actor for this role at Cannes and he also directs the film. It's been compared to Peckinpah's Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia. I freaking love Peckinpah.

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Walk The Line exceeded my expectations and in a way, I liked more than Ray simply because I like Cash's music better. It's not a better bio-pic than Ray because it never really delves into Johnny's creativity as a songwriter and it skirts over significant periods of his life, especially in the 60's. But I love the relationship angle that Walk The Line presents.

That was sort of the point for Walk the Line - it's purpose wasn't to focus on the music (even though a lot of us whish it was), but it was a love story first, which is why it focused on such a narrow few years of his life for most of the film. Sometimes I think it's even a stretch to call it a Cash biopic, simply because of how narrow it is in scope, but that doesn't mean I didn't find it incredibly entertaining and am not looking forward to picking it up on DVD (because I did and I am).

I'll throw Baraka into the mix. For the uninitiated, it's a stirring collection of scenes from around the world (ranging from monks in prayer to Cambodian killing fields to Asian factories to NYC traffic) set to music. It's a pretty powerful film, and it's lack of dialogue or a narrator make it a uniqiue experience for eveyone who sees it.

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Trying to cram in all the Oscar nominees this weekend, watched Capote and Crash last night.

Anyone else underwhelmed with Crash? It had its moments but overall I didn't find it that profound. The characters were drawn with broad strokes and the plot devices were at the TV drama level. The direction was fantastic though. I felt like I was watching Grand Theft Auto a lot of the time. Paul Haggis has to be a fan. It's still a good movie and I probably wouldn't be so harsh if I wasn't watching it as an Oscar nominated film.

Capote, while a smaller and more straightforward film, was more satisfying because there were no seams. It aimed a little lower than Crash but hit a homerun anyway. Still not "best picture" material so I hope one of the other three I have left really blows me away.

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any movie by the cohen brothers.. favourites are:

the hudsucker proxy

o brother where art thou

the big lebowski

and wes anderson:


the royal tenenbaums

the life aquatic

and christopher guest:

best in show

mighty wind

waiting for guffman

and a flick that's a few years old, directed by Nick Gomez, "Drowning Mona". I'm a Bette fan. :)

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check out DIG. Its a documentary about The Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. Incredible. Something like 7 years of footage capturing both bands rise and one's ultimate demise. Probably the best rock movie I've ever seen.

we just finally got to see this. Andre 'lent' me a copy and it is really unbelievable that all this stuff was recorded and put together to tell the story.

Anton Newcombe appears to be a serious dick. I'm not sure his talents are worth any of the bullshit that he puts everyone through.

Claiming to play 80 instruments really doesn't add up to much. Put 80 instruments in front of me and I'm sure I could come up with a 2-5-1 chord progression or melody line in no time ;)

I really dug dig, but I just can't get over how mean and egotisitcal Tony was.

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