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MacIsaac shooting for Liberal post


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oh my. i had to read the subject like 3 times before it registered who you were talking about. i kept seeing McKenna instead of MacIsaac.

at first glance, he couldn't be much worse than the schnook currently keeping the chair warm, but...ummm...shouldn't you be elected a couple of times or something before they put you in charge? how very quixotic (thanks DEM for the vocabulary boost :) )

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don't all polititians pee on us? At least he admits to it. ;)

I always felt bad for Ashley. The dude can play the frickin fiddle like the devil crawled up his butt (at least a gerbil anyway) }:| . It always bugged me how much his private life was put in the media.

As far as him running for the liberal leadership, why the hell not? If anything else, his running has the potential to stir up all kinds of new thoughts and ideas. (Like subsidies for gerbil farming).

When McIssac first started playing traditional fiddle tunes over the beat of a drum, the traditionalists hated him for it, HATED. He did it anyways and I have to show some respect to him for forging his own path. So as long as he has some ideas, I know he has the guts.

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I always felt bad for Ashley. The dude can play the frickin fiddle like the devil crawled up his butt (at least a gerbil anyway) }:| . It always bugged me how much his private life was put in the media.

Didn't he also have a number of *public* meltdowns? Like, in concert?

To be serious for a moment, I am pissed (ha ha) that the Liberals are already raising the white flag for the next election. Is there one serious leadership hopeful in the bunch? One that can actually win an election? I'm already bugging out two months into Harper. I cannot face a full majority government term.

P.S. Bouche, you do know there's a politics forum, don't you? ;)

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this isn't right ... the guy openly admitted to peeing on people during sex. That's worse than a sponsorship scandal to me

I don't know much about Ashley MacIsaac's personal life, because I've never paid much attention, but your post causes me to wonder about this. Did he pee on people who were unwilling participants? If not, what's the problem?

As well, even if he did pee on people who didn't expect it, and as far as that being worse than stealing a whole bunch of money from taxpayers, I think that is a bizarre way to look at it. I'd rather learn that our politicians are kinky in bed but honest with our money and politically related matters; than vice versa.

His sex life is irrelevant to his ability to be a politician, in my opinion.

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