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Sisters Euclid/Dave Lauzon in Ottawa this Friday!!!!


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Having heard Sisters do "Carmelita", my next great musical exploration will entail digging into Warren Zevon (especially live stuff).

Wow! I didn't even know Warren was on the Archive. Can someone recommend a good show or touring year to start with?

I've been on a bit of a Zeavon kick lately after pulling out my tape of his last appearance on Letterman. All the cooler that the Sisters paid tribute to him on Friday night!

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Has nobody commented about Lauzon's cover of "The Maker"? I'm tracking the show now, and this tune has me mesmerized/captivated.

The set list Dave gave me goes like:

Aslan's Song >

Betty's Funeral


Everlasting Beautiful Nights >

The Maker




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i'm sorry i missed the Lauzon set, but wholly good gracious god in the morning, i was completely floored and amazed with kevin bright's skills on his instrument. the way he played was like a heart attack on a runaway freight train headed for party town. even his new hairdoo was pure rock. for the next three hours all i could think of while we were listening to music at that place was 'do you guys have any kevin bright, man, awesome."

but seriously, thanks to all the people for making my stay in Ottawa that much fun.

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At this moment I'm transferring the last of the second set from Friday night and all of you who were in attendance were given a truly awesome performance from The Sisters. From new tunes to Kevin singing Carmelita to the over-the-top Neil Young covers like Southern Man with Rob playing the "I wish I was in Dixie" signature throughout...just a simply incredible night of The Sisters as I've witnessed many here in T-Dot...

On the drive home it struck me that these four guys drove about 10 hours for a one night gig but as Rob put it at the end of the drive, the only people who make sense of it is those who play the music and those who come to listen...truer words could not have been spoken...

I have many musical heroes and loves in my life but finally I think that some of you in Ottawa realize why myself and a solid core of folks end up at The Orbit most Monday evenings...the music that is offered up is always fresh and filled with grace, humour, passion and intensity...

My thanks as always to bouche and Ms. Hux for their incredible hospitality...nothin' beats soakin' the bones in the hot tub after a night of shakin' yer bones which I don't get to do enough of at The Orbit...that is probably the only downfall but the more folks that show up and groove to the music, the more it will pull the others off their asses and outta their chairs... ;)

It took me a solid day to recover after the drive home...and actually didn't drag my arse in until noon-ish today with memories of the Friday night still pulsing through my veins.,,good times good times good times!!!

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