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Who wants to come to Iraq with me?


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I like most Americans I've met, much like I find Germans to be fun loving people but I remember a time when the German people got all riled up behind their twisted government... like normally peaceful people get into soccer riots

most people who haven't lived a liberal, alternative lifestyle follow the government sanctioned status-quo... CNN told them that war was needed to keep their children safe... now even CNN is starting to question the powers that be...

little Bush said today to those attacking American rule in Iraq "Bring them on!"

what a macho idiot [Roll Eyes]

the new vietnam will have the American people revolting as the casualties grow...

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i agree with willy lets go there and kick some american ass,,

i keep hearing news flashes of american troops being killed there still,, way to go iraq. and i think the whole war a was diversion made by the u.s to distract the world while they built a pipe line under the ocean from iraq to florda, so they could steal all the oil

and as for the wepons of mass distruction, you can't find stuff that doesn't exist. the olny way the us will ever find any thing there is if they put it there them selfs,, which i wouldn't put past them.. I think its funny how now that the war is over and the dust has settled that no one is asking the question, where were these wepons? and asince they have not found anything why jno one is giving the u.s crapy for illegally invading iraq with no proof, and now they didn't find any thing,, i think the u.s should be charged with war crimes

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mmmmm..... just close your eyes...... and drift..... and let your mind come to that happy place...... that day in the future...... where we wake up..... to find...... George...... W......... Bush....... is no longer President....... of the United States of America.......

o happy day! [Razz]

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Wow. Lots of feekback here!

I wouldn't say I like Americans but you are correct Dr. Hux: It is not the people but rather the politics and foreign policy that is the problem. Then again, aren't the political figures representatives of the people? Therefore, shouldn't the people be held responsible for their actions? (Before you jump all over this, understand that I am being somewhat sarcastic and playing devils advocate a little bit here.)

I also really like Ms. Hux's point: If they have weapons of mass destruction, it's because the US sold them to them. And furthermore, if they have well-trained soldiers, it's probably bedcause the US trained them.

I REALLY agree with MarcO! Let's all get together and have some champagne when that f*&ckin megalomaniac's term is over or when some genius knocks him off.

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Originally posted by MarcO:

mmmmm..... just close your eyes...... and drift..... and let your mind come to that happy place...... that day in the future...... where we wake up..... to find...... George...... W......... Bush....... is no longer President....... of the United States of America.......

o happy day!

I don't know if anyone in Canada has heard of Howard Dean yet, but he is quickly emerging as the only Democrat to call a spade a spade (or in this case, an idiot an idiot)

p.s. next time I make it to Ottawa, I better remember to bring my ass pad.

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Ask Frank if he'd prefer Al Gore or George Bush and get back to me...dig?? I don't think Tipper was on the ballot.

PS - Willy, if Americans were actually held accountable for who they voted for, we'd be critiquing President Gore right now....but I think you realize that... [Razz]

for the flatlander....(even though I'm a Kerry guy)


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you blow that shit WAY out of proportion......what effect has it had anyways man? stickers on "cop killer" type rap albums, whoopie shit, there are bigger fish to fry since Frank checked out.....and he would agree....

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Agreed Hux, but back in the early 90s when all that sticker shit was hitting the fan, Zappa hated it and was very passionate about fighting it - and Tipper was his arch-enemy.

Of course, time passes and I think if were still alive, he'd be voting for " other " liberal candidates; the ones opposed to the war in Iraq.

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and as for the wepons of mass distruction, you can't find stuff that doesn't exist. the olny way the us will ever find any thing there is if they put it there them selfs,, which i wouldn't put past them.. I think its funny how now that the war is over and the dust has settled that no one is asking the question, where were these wepons?

Jared, I llve ya but, but you're dumb sometimes. The question of whether Iraq has had WMD's is answered. In the early 80's they launched chemical weapons attacks on Iran and the Kurds. The US actually sold them the helicopters they used (I saw this on W-5, a great program). And the only question I've heard asked lately is "Where are the weapons?" Now, I think they are probalby under the sand somewhere enar Syria, but we'll find out right before the next US election. the same time that they will "capture" Saddam and Osama (who are chillin in Pensacola right now, listening to some old Widespread and shit.

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Originally posted by bouche:

Don't worry VD!

There's no american ass-kickers here. Those overly aggressive hippies aren't anywhere near ottawa

BTW, you should come to Ottawa soon. What are you doing the weekend of Aug. 22?

We need ten times the number of ass-kickin, overly aggressive hippies that we have down here now. [Mad] (peace and love my ass! [Roll Eyes] )

Bouche, what's going down on aug 22?


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