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Canadian Idol vs. Broken Social Scene


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Dinosaurs of industry vs. New Blood of the Industry... I'm rooting for the new blood. And Zack Weiners comments about the BSS poop in St. Johns? Sounds like it's BS to me. Weiner can suck it!

I just love how thousands of people contribute to Canadian Idols sucess, but only a few actaully gain anything... i.e. the Winner gets a 'tainted' record deal, and Sass Jordan, however insignificant it may be, continues to keep her public career on lifesupport. The idea's and methods of Canadian Idol seem to me derieved from a schrewd group of "soul sucking jerks". It'll be a long time, and a future full of surprises if I ever say that about BSS.

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This bit just about sums it up for me:

"Yeah, well, how many records have they sold, honestly?" Werner asked. "I don't know if they did or they didn't go gold, but I know that Rex Goudie sold 21,000 tickets in St. John's himself over the course of three concerts.

The focus on the sales numbers just shows that we are talking about seperate worlds here. The bit about 'singing flat' later on in the article even more so. I'd rather listen to somebody with a (by conventional standards) unpleasant voice, backed by shit-quality instrumentation singing a challenging, artistically engaging song than some slick-as-fuck bubble-gum tripe. Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Destroyer. Not to say that this is the case with BSS (it's not), but I think it is just an incompatible worldview that has only the word 'music' in common.

Some people can paint well, but can't produce interesting paintings. Some people can turn a phrase, but have nothing of interest to say. Some people can sing or play damn well, but there is nothing to sink your teeth into in the songs. I haven't seen Canadian Idol, but if it is anything like what I've seen of American Idol, the focus is on the technical skill of singing and the charismatic skill of presentation at the expense of the art.

And I'd never let Sass Jordan design my playlist ;)

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so you know drawk, canadian idol in my eyes, is very very similar to american idol, but with the canadian version, it seems like they're (the judges, contestants) are trying to replicate something else, trying too hard to imitate something that's not their own...when they should just be doing it their own way.

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Some people can paint well, but can't produce interesting paintings. Some people can turn a phrase, but have nothing of interest to say. Some people can sing or play damn well, but there is nothing to sink your teeth into in the songs. I haven't seen Canadian Idol, but if it is anything like what I've seen of American Idol, the focus is on the technical skill of singing and the charismatic skill of presentation at the expense of the art.

I agree with you d-rawk, but at the same time, I've got nothing wrong with a musician who is technically proficient, but not a good song writter. I think there are lots of amazing musicians who are poor song writters, and lots of amazing song writters who are poor musicians.

It's awesome when you get both in one package, but I'm not going to get upset if someone only has one of the two going for them.

For me, it comes down to this, can you provide genuine emotion or are you just mimicing something that has been done before.

I don't care if the musician I'm listening to hasn't written a single song they perform, just as long as they are able to make the songs they do perform theirs. Bring in their own style, influences, emotions, something to really put their own stamp on it.

The people on these Idol shows are essentially interchangeable in my mind. If you played three contestants back to back with your eyes closed could you tell the difference?

I'm rambling now, I guess I just wanted to say that as far as I'm concerned I don't care if a musician can write good songs, I just want to hear someone who has their own voice musically.

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