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First round of bands at moe.down 7


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line up si kinda weak so far...but there are like 15 more bands to come....

if umph is playing saturday night before moe. thats pretty weak...

yea the lineup so far is small, definately not weak...

and why would that be weak if umph played before moe. on saturday night?

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UMP for the millionth time doing their little standard hippy festival shin dig.

Buddy, that is retarded. I am not even going to get into it, but I just saw UM last week, and they are everything that I love in a rock band, FAR REMOVED from generic "hippy festival shin dig". But, to each their own.

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agreed. i dig moe. too.. but Anchor Drops blew me away as do their shows.. consistently. the jake/brendan duo leaves me speechless most of the time, much more than my schoolgirl crush on Rob ever will.

let's just say as long as UM plays a new years eve show in Chicago, my plans for new years will never change... well.... ah.. you know what i'm saying.

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i don't feel umphrey's at all....

also...what the hell isn't htere not to believe..

ofcourse umphrey's is playing moe.down....they have opened up for moe. countless amounts of times, and have played summercamp every year. they've also played moe.down before.

its a very standard addition...bands like TLG, umphrey's, keller...the list goes on...they play every freakin festival out there and its boring. i've seen umph and keller like 10 times and i'm not even a fan.....and i don't really care to see them anymore.

its not an exciting addition in the least bit.....

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they've also played moe.down before.

In what year? I've been going to moe.down since 2002, but don't remember them ever having been there. I checked the Live Music Archive, and couldn't find any UM shows from Turin over Labour Day weekends for the past bunch of years.



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