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who's drunk????

Calamity Jane

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I really miss douglas' drunken posts! well, let me pick up the slack whilst I can!

please finsih hte sentence.... "I.m so drunk, I...."

me: I'm waiting for that slave driver of a Puxie-Hux to releasse Dave from band practice, and while while waitng fdor him to return home, "I'm SOOO drunk, I tried to ligth the bonfore out back with toothepicks!!!!!!!!" Sowemthing seemned not so right when I couldn;t get a flicnt spark...coming back insdie I found I;d grabebd the toothpicks in a box just liekthe wooden mathces!!!

beat that!

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WTF ever happened to Douglas' drunken posts, anyways? CJ and I can't keep this up alone forever ...

hux putz band

Ahahahaha. Gold.

"Literally, vulgar slang for penis, not to be used lightly. More offensive than the schmuck, which can be used affectionately or teasingly. Rarely used to describe the member, schmuck does that." Def. from the "Joys of Yiddish" by Leo Rosten

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I recently had a legal assistant use the term "putz" in the office; in a conversation with a client. I was astounded to find out she had no idea it meant "penis".

I've always wondered why people think it makes sense to use words when they have no clue what they are saying.

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haha....well, at least the name doesn't inspire indifference!

The name "Hux Pux" is a late night creation/variation on the "Dick's Picks" name, but referring my best of Wings compilation.

Trev somehow remembered that convo and put it on the ticket, I'm positive we'll have a different name in the future!

(everybody was drunk last night - wow)

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I think to the non Jewish people putz means the same as goof/joker/doughhead that kind of thing. I have heard it many times on shows and in conversation (eg.." he's a putz..")and at no time ever was I told it meant penis. You can't possibly expect people to look up every word in the dictionary to confirm what you always thought to be true, is actually true...that would be a lot of dictionary lookin'. But now that I know, I won't use it again. Also, I had no idea it was a Jewish word.

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Are you sure it wasn't only on shows like Seinfeld, written by Jewish people and with a mostly Jewish cast playing Jewish characters, on which you heard the word?

I do, actually, expect people to look up words if they don't know the meaning. You thought it meant one of three things. The person who I heard use it thought "it just meant some kind of insult". In your case, at least you thought you knew the meaning. In her case, she knew that she didn't know. She had some vague idea.

I wouldn't use a word if I knew I had only a vague idea of what it meant, but I can only speak for me.

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Well, I know I've heard the word over the years (since I was a kid) and not from the television. Pre-Seinfeld thats for sure.

According to an internet dictionary (take it as you will):

1.Slang. A fool; an idiot.

2.Vulgar Slang. A penis.

intr.v. Slang., putzed, putz·ing, putz·es.

To behave in an idle manner; putter.

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I dunno, SuperFreak. No reason to avoid the word - it is used a lot the way that words like, say, "prick" are used. "Prick" can also mean penis, of course, but conversationally it's mostly used to mean dumbass/idiot/asshole/whatever. Plus: putz is just really, really fun to say.

Totally unrelated -- I haven't read a MAD magazine in a long, long time (well except the one that MaxWebster bought for me on the road to Bonnaroo years ago ... seems they've gone glossy and colour?), but I always thought it was pretty funny that they used the word "Schmuck" incessantly.

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I recently had a legal assistant use the term "putz" in the office; in a conversation with a client. I was astounded to find out she had no idea it meant "penis".

I've always wondered why people think it makes sense to use words when they have no clue what they are saying.

I use PUTZ daily! I had no idea? I'm going to have to ramp things up now.





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How about "maroon"? I think I first picked that up on Bugs Bunny (viz., "What a maroon!"), but then later learned that, despite how similar it sounds to "moron", it doesn't do much credit to the rebel Caribbean slaves who were first known by the name.

Funny to think, though, of all the vocab that's found a home in English.

"Schlep, Dick, schlep!"


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