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Well...I think the bruce peninsula would rock...somewhere near tobermory...

however, if you want a killer venue maybe the same place as OM...only 2 hours from ottawa, about 3 hours from toronto, close enough to the border, in the country, swimming nearby...i dson't know how pricy the venue is or if it's even availiable to be used. OM was stellar...i'd suggest using that place.

if not, i'd say somewhere in Quebec...the laurentians or gatineaus. close to ottawa...it'd be great for a canada day party weekend.

anyhow, good luck with ideas.

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mr music you can get into touch with either of them thrugh tthe cometogether site,,, i'm only the spreader of the word and often rush itno stuff but i think you should be in charge of this seeing ass you seem organised and profesional,, let me know i'd love to start sending out letters cause if we want to save labourday them we are going to have to get our asses in gear

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Originally posted by secondtube:

they have had over 1000 patrons attend a function before.

THAT means they MUST take out a entertainment 'park' licence.....which costs major $$$$ to buy and now to insure the park.

SO, basically the town wants about a 400% tax increase in that park....

any chance they could do what pat does for the shaker using the whole "master list" thing?

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Don't know how many rules they have, but there was that Polish Veterans campsite up Hwy. 27 near King City that the Fat Cats played at before. Seems to me, there might have been a strict curfew though, and probably a lot of families that have already reserved space for the long weekend. Oh well, just a thought. [Wink]

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I don't think the point here is that the Municipality thinks were a bunch of "rowdies" or anything; I have a feeling that it has a lot more to do with what they are envisioning as lost revenue. Yes, the CTMF patrons do bring tourist $$$ into the area, but currently, the greatest beneficiary is the management and ownership of Frontiertown.

I would imagine that the other local business owners are getting a little fed up with there neighbor making tax-free dollars by throwing huge parties all summer long while they're ‘slaving away’ at the local plant (or whatever). I'm being a little facetious here

I think a more timely and effective approach would be to find a way to present these festivals as non-commercial events (similar to the Shaker), thereby not subject to such ludicrous municipal taxes.

If I can do anything to help, please let me know.

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Originally posted by MuleMomma:

Don't know how many rules they have, but there was that Polish Veterans campsite up Hwy. 27 near King City that the Fat Cats played at before. Seems to me, there might have been a strict curfew though, and probably a lot of families that have already reserved space for the long weekend. Oh well, just a thought.

I was at the Fatties how there way back,great venue,except that about 7am the next mornin, a guy workin for the park drove around in his truck and parked in front of tents and started honkin' his horn [Mad] ,his crony he had with em was yelling "wake up hippies time to go!",I dont think it would work for CTMF,but for a single night maybe.It is a large spot though and would work if they werent such jerks.


On another note here, I was thinking that it would be wise to get the straight shit about why the durham/grey county township officials have asked for this "cease and desist" order before we all go off sending emails & letters,phone calls etc.Just would be a good idea to know exactly why before everyone goes off on them.(Not to defend them),but an informed protest is a more effective one...wouldnt ya think?

Just a thought.

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Definately an informed protest is needed Esau...

if they start gettin letters sayin "Dude, this is so fucked up" or worse, angry letters or calls it certainly won't help the situation...

Rick or Mark Wilson (or that eloquent Tonin), as representatives of the festival should be the only ones doing any talking to the municipality... for now anyways

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Yup, I'm totally with Esau and paisley - let's make sure we're complaining to the right people about the right thing, and that we're not making matters worse.

I just left a message with Mark Wilson, I'm hoping to talk to him 'cus my band was one that was booked for August so I wanna get the "official" word from him as a booker. I make it policy not to trust anyone but the guy who booked me to tell me the gig is off. (Believe me, I've been screwed by this before - not that I think anybody is screwing around in this case but hey, you gotta cover your own ass!)

Anyway if anyone else has talked or is talking directly to Mark or Rick, to my mind the best questions would be:

  • Exactly what are the complaints the town had about CTMF?
  • What do you (being Rick or Mark) think the best thing we can do (as a community and/or as individuals) to help get CTMF at Frontier Town back on the tracks?


Mr. M.

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I agree with the last 3 posts (Esau, Paisley, Mr. M.) ... I think that we should let Rick and Mark Wilson try and tackle this first of all, and that we should be ready and willing to help out if and when we are called upon.

I've also placed a call to Mark Wilson (I'm sure he's getting lots of them), and hopefully I'll hear back from him in the near future with some suggested course of action.

Peace, Mark

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F..K Wassabi C....thats what I would say. They are the reason that this whole petition started in the first place. Too much loud drumming noise after a certain time...that it why the cops came in.... If they hadn't set up all there drums around the fire, and used their heads a little, we would still have a place to party...shame on you.....booo urns

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This has nothing to do with Wassabi. I'll get Mark to post an OFFICIAL run down of the situation. Let's not start blaming people. The festival is getting bigger every year and this was bound to happen at some time. It's cool to talk stuff out and offer to help but wait and see where the help is needed and I'm sure Mark will take all the help he can get when he finds out WHAT needs to be done. This kind of stuff is frustrating AND time consuming.

Trust me, Mark and Rick are on it.

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I don't know 'bout that Wassabi claim either, over where I was camping it wasn't that loud and it seems to me there are always people drummin all night or hootin and hollerin (remember those dudes with the super-bass monster hip-hop system last year?)

its Frontier Town, thats why I go there

Wassabi drum all night wherever they go I don't see other festivals shuting down as a result

now Willy's ass on the other hand... [Wink]

(this is a monetary thing, the city is sayin you gotta pay if you wanna play... the point of the negotiations right now would be to not to have to pay so much that the event becomes unfeasible to put on there)

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Yeh, let's wait and see what Rick and Mark W. have to say... but I appreciate the vote of confidence Jared. [big Grin] However, I don't want to be in charge of anything 'til we find out more.

(From my highschool days: Bike-a-thon Rule #1 - Don't lead if you don't know where you are going!)

But hey, perhaps after this Frontier Town thing gets solved, I'll turn my skills to the infinately greater challenge of finding you that heady wife... [Wink]

- M.

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Hey! What's all this talk about my ass. I don't think you are in a position to comment until you see it Schwa! Or is there something I should know about all those hours I was crashed in the van with the back door open (on the van - not the other "back door").


Those locals got a good show. They're probably lobbying to get us (me) back up there! [Wink]

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First off, cully, you couldnt be more wrong. The drums at my site were negligable at best. my site was pretty far from the drum circle but still a world away frm the nearest house.

Second, VVilly, there is no way i peered into Jazzy while you slept. I was too busy partying in the saloon with the rest of the hard cores.

Thirdly, I promised NO ass on Sunday (hehe) and i am also waiting on QQC's A-display. Don't be that guy Craig.



(And for the record, no one would want to see it!)

DAMN SKIPPY!! Maybe thats why we can't have parties there anymore [Razz]

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