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*PETER ELKAS BAND w/ Dala & Jackandginger Thursday June 22 @ the RIVOLI


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w/ Jackandginger

and Dala

Thursday June 22nd

The Rivoli (334 Queen Street West)

$10 at the door


It's been waaayyy too long since we've played... so we'll be trying out a bunch of new stuff and getting pumped for our July recording session. And of course warming up for the double bill with BNB @ Mavericks in Ottawa June 30th.

Jackandginger are a duo made up of Paul Linklater (Scribbled Out Man) and Colleen Hixenbaugh (By Divine Right).... With songs full of hard edge sonic axe grinding by jack, combined with gingers slightly wierd kaleidescopic picking its never a dull moment and the drums are the hot seat for these two guitarists, as they take turns switching from guitar to drums and back again. Their tendency to morph and combine maximizes their small numbers and their live set ROARS with the ferocity of a fullband sound. jackandginger are sure to lull you into beautiful and somewhat alien dreamscapes.

Dala are also a duo. Two girls, two guitars. Combined, their vocal range spans from the darkest depths of the scale to undiscovered, and frightening heights. Their influences include The Beatles, Cat Stevens, Crosby , Stills, Nash and Young, Led Zeppelin, Simon and Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell, Tori Amos, Coldplay, the entire cast of Jesus Christ Superstar, and whoever else inspires them to sing along with intense facial expressions.

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