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Best MMJ album and why


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so after officially having my face blown the fuck off by these guys at bonnaroo, I want some opinions about the albums and why they're everyone's favorite. Also please include information about any live releases, DVD etc...I'm about to go berserker on their back catalogue :)

that song phone went west is truly amazing...so simple and so powerful.

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You can dig into their live shows at




The Bonarro MMJ is available via BT, from at least two sources.



thx brad...already mined that...grabed the most d/l'ed shows already and the one I saw in tennessee...i've been listening to them non stop since I got back...

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All four of their full-length cds are excellent, but different. I personally like their second album, At Dawn, best, but many on this website might prefer the mostly acoustic/folk and intimately produced first album The Tennessee Fire - I Will Be There When You Die is one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs I've ever heard.

The album that broke them is It Still Moves - Golden, Master Plan, Mahgeetah are highlights. After I saw their Conan performance of One Big Holiday I was hooked.

Z is more progressive and rock-hook oriented -and also their biggest departure musically - but contains some anthems like Dondante, Lay Low and Gideon.

The live acoustic EP offers a nice companion or introduction. They've release a number of great EPs.

Basically, they haven't put out anything bad. Their live DVD is coming out at the end of the summer and Archive.org has tons of shows. The Toronto Opera House show is on there and it is fucking excellent. I know because I was there and the board quality confirms my opinion.

All Music Guide is pretty accurate, although It Still Moves deserves a little higher ranking.


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but many on this website might prefer the mostly acoustic/folk and intimately produced first album The Tennessee Fire - I Will Be There When You Die is one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs I've ever heard.

i'm a pretty big fan of "the tennessee fire".. "I will be there when you Die" brings tears to my eyes and sends shivers down my spine.

i remember kind of feeling let down after Z came out.. but have since grown to appreciate it, not as much as older stuff.

i love the EP "Acoustic Citsuoca".. throw that on on a rainy day when you're just bumming around the house by yourself and looking for some time for quiet reflection. it blows me away everytime I play it.

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While I loved the big guitar anthems (see One Big Holiday) I wasn't fully on board until Z sank its claws into me. The reverb drenched vocals on the earlier albums initially irritated me, but if you like his voice you'll be fine. 24 hours until I see them with the Boston Pops, bitches! ;)

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Jim James has said that he drenches his vocals in reverb because he's too insecure in hearing his voice "clean". Funny since his reverb vocals are simmered down considerably in concert.

Initially, I too felt let down by Z. However, the album finally hit me between the eyes and I'll say six of the songs are as good as anything they've ever done. Off The Record, while pretty good off of Z, really smokes in concert. James adds solos during the trippy jam out ending, making it one of their best live songs.

Dave-O, I loved the Boston Pops collaboration on Letterman from a few weeks ago. Normally I've found that when bands work with orchestras often stunts improv and spontaneity. MMJ with the Pops on Letterman felt anything but stunted. Their collaboration still manages to shine through this shitty download transfer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=AjLFG0i2_AE&search=my%20morning%20jacket

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