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JR wants to play in Canada


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Haahahahaha, you kill me Barrett. Anyways, here's a letter from JR:

Hey everyone,

First thanks for taking the time to read my letter. The fans interest and opinion has always been important to me, whether you like me or not, it's all good. Sorry for my typing but I'm not the most educated person in the world as computers go. Eklund asked me to type a quick note to let you all know how I'm viewing free agency this year.

As in past years the excitement is immense however for different reasons. As many of you know my season last year was truly embarrassing and one that I need to put in the past. There were reasons for it but that shit is not important and I hate excuses. I truly believe, scratch that, I KNOW I can still dominate this game and play a very physical brand of hockey that the fans enjoy to watch. The kind of game they are accustomed to watching me play for the last 18 years. Yes, I know it has been that long but I'm not old and have a lot of gas left in the tank.

Anyway, it's very important that I get back to that, so this summer I've rededicated myself to being in the best shape of my life. I'm in LA working out with the trainer guru TR. he trains many players but he's committed to kicking the shit out of me to get that drive back. Boy it has been there. I'm in the gym at 5:30 every morning six days a week. Double sessions three days a week.

I had a meeting with the Kings newGM Dean Lombardi earlier this summer. Dean is a good friend who I've known for years and he put my in my place and made me realize that I haven't been dedicated to the game of hockey the way I should be. Too worried aboutTV appearances, interviews etc. Not about being the best. That is very hard for a pro athlete to hear, but believe me I needed it and my doors were blown off by our meetings. Enough about that.

This weekend is going to be fun because it's a new chance to find a team that I have a shot to win a cup with and also prove to all the people who have thrown me to the wolves. and see me as washed up, that I can I still play this game.This is my chance to make then all eat their f....... words.

That is huge for me because I am a proud person and have had a great career and I think it sucks that people jump ship so quickly. I will have the last laugh or word on that subject, I know that doesn't surprise you...( yes I do have a big mouth. ) but I also do love people and I personally wouldn't do that to anyone.

It has always been in the back of my mind to play for a Canadian city, and really see what it would be like to be around true hockey loyalty. People who live and breath hockey as Canadians do, I've always respected that. I don't know if it will be this year but I do have a couple teams high on my wish list for that to happen. I'm hoping there is interest by these teams in mind, cause as you know, they have to want ME as well.

As far as salary goes and what I'm looking for...I think it's very important that I prove to myself and everyone else that I can demand the high salaries that can still be made. So this year my contract will be modest so to speak but I would like to have bonuses that I can earn more money based on my production. I think that's a win/win situation.

Who knows? I just know that I've wondered if this was time to retire, but since this new birth of motivation and dedication to myself and to the game, I now know it's not.

However, if I work this hard all summer prepare myself the best way I can and I still fail then I know it's time to go with no regrets. But until then whether it's in Canada or the States my goal is to give back to my fans the player that once was and still is the best Jeremy Roenick has. I think I owe that to myself, my fans,my team and to the game of hockey. I pray it works out the way I envision it, but if it doesn't, I know I've had a good run. But I'm not afraid of trying, I embracethe challenge.Thanks for the time, I know I'm long winded, but I do care. It's going to be a blast trying to get that cup and a thrill if I can show all my nay sayers which one of my fingers is the longest.

I wish I could tell youthe teams I'm interested in but that wouldn't be politically correct. Wait, did I just say that? See I have changed already, ha ha.



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Do they count towards the cap at all?

Yes. If you say you are paying a player 1 mill per season with up to 3 million in bonuses, you have to keep your cap at a level that if they player makes the bonuses, you dont go over your cap.

Woof..........let's just say it this way.

If Hasek had of acheived his bonuses last season, they would have counted against Ottawa's cap.

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... plus I'm still hung-over.

dude you're getting old! what were you celebrating that made you hungover for 2 days?


Pride and celebrating my new Euro soccer haircut... and if you could count, I was only hung-over for one day.

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