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SARS = Fun?


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Good news for everyone attending SARSfest

You'll be allowed to bring in 2 snooted-up water bottles.

"Fans can bring two sealed bottles of water into Downsview. Toronto EMS officials said yesterday they expect there will be giant water tanks on site to provide refills to quench dehydration concerns. "

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what a great concept,, get half a million people together where the sars is rampant lol, see how many get infected?

is this on much more music yet? maybe ill take a peek

im glad im not there, the music would be good but the crowds, im not a big fan of,,, i wonder how many people will be yelling moooooooo on the way out, that many folks trying t o get out at once its bound to be like cattle

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megrocker, my girlfriend likes The Tea Party's first two albums. I can't make fun of them in front of her, but even she can't stand their personalities and outright arrogance.

Forget Warren Haynes, I'm surprised Sheryl Crow didn't show up to try to steal some of the thunder. I guess she's too busy trying to build a blues-facade.

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All I have to say is SARS Rules!

I was at the show and it was killer with a capital Iller!

No problems at the gates with the exception of a split group at the end of the show and a little hassle due to the volume of humanity inhabiting the park. Smoking weed was not a problem as the chimney above our spot can attest to.

As for the music ACDC was crazy! That dude playing guitar was on fire! As well the guy who played drums for Rush was wicked! I just wish that Geddy whatever his last name is would have stopped singing. Overall the luke warm mad cow beef went perfectly with the impossible to attain beer.

Super succesful party for Toronto and although I don't think that it will erase the images of people with masks on in the subway it will probably due a lot to make the city look fun again.

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