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i was polite, extra curteous, and DID NOTHING FUCKING WRONG IN THE USA.

you hear that dima?


can i go?


do i deserve it? NO!

have i got my waiver to let me across? YES YES and YES

have i ever went across since i got my waiver? NO FUCKING WAY.

do i plan on it? Not unless something VERY GOOD comes up.


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I see nothing wrong with border guards profiling and looking into some one's past. I also see nothing wrong with them holding some one up when there is any reason to investigate the situation further...and there is nothing wrong with them denying access to some one when there is a SLIGHT chance of wrong doing while in the USA. thats just the way it has to be, and i expect nothing less from Canadian border guards.

When i was a minor, I did very stupid shit, but since, i have grown up and realized that screwing around with somthing as SERIOUS as a BORDER crossing just is not worth it. I am a law abiding Canadian Citizen with a PASSPORT. I doubt I will ever have any trouble at the border.

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If i was crossing the Border with a VW Bus Painted in Marijuana plants and loaded with Hemp Papers, I would expect to be turned away for obvious reasons.

Further more, I wouldn't complain that America is a police state and Bush is ruining the world (which he is...for other reasons). I made my intentions blatently clear by my dress/deminor/and choice of vehichle. Although I may have never had any illegal drugs on me, or I never had any intention of doing anything illegal while in the states, its not a truth telling contest...its business.

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Booche, I don't have to consider what he says here becuase I have never been in a position to fear a border crossing.

Call me drunkenly high and crazy on football, but I dont really see that.

EDIT to add:

I completely agree with Pablo, based on too many experiences with a certain person in the car that raised questions. Every frickin time we got pulled in trying to enter the US, but most of the worst experiences were coming back to Canada. Whatever, you deal with it because it's an international border.

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i've crossed this border what seems like a trillion times.. some times you encounter an asshole, sometimes you don't. really though, it's par for the course. assholes exist everywhere.. unfortunately the border presents a situation in which assholes can thrive and develop their assholeish behaviour. letting this get to you is pretty pointless. overcome it.

you should fear the border, rightly so. i think anytime any human comes under direct questioning for whatever reason, it kind of raises your levels of alertness and drives the blood pressure up.. you know the little feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when you're pulling up to the border guard station? it's completely natural to feel anxiety.

dima's right. if you have nothing to hide you really have nothing to fear. the worst thing that could happen to you is your refusal to enter the country. remember too, if you're ever in a situation at the border, you can always say 'forget it, i don't want to come in' and turn around. you're legally protected in doing so.. get in your still in tact car, and drive away.

i think it sucks that cars/trucks/vans/whatever can get torn apart, but really in the grand friggin' scheme of things, i'll take that emotional abuse over having some asshole carry bombs across the border and blow things up and kill people. i'd just cough it up as a small sacrifice for saving lives.

it is an international border. they are doing their jobs as a country at war. look at german/swiss, swiss/italian border crossings during wwII and thank your friggin' lucky stars.

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i was polite, extra curteous, and DID NOTHING FUCKING WRONG IN THE USA.

you hear that dima?


can i go?


do i deserve it? NO!

have i got my waiver to let me across? YES YES and YES

have i ever went across since i got my waiver? NO FUCKING WAY.

do i plan on it? Not unless something VERY GOOD comes up.


Why does what you didn't do in the U.S. matter? Every country has the right to refuse entry to ANYONE they want. Fairness has nothing to do with it. If they don't want to let you into their country, whether you have a record or not, that is their right and no degree of politeness will change that.

I feel bad for M.O.B.E. because they are operating under the wrong *information*, not the wrong policy. They wouldn't let him in because they thought that he had been deported, when in fact he had not (I guess your situation is partially similar, 'tube). I would feel no sympathy for him whatsoever if he actually *had* been deported and then they reused to let him back in.

Edited by Guest
Factual corection
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I must say that just because I have never really had any hassle, it doesn't mean I believe border guards are incapable of being as petty, unfair or discriminatory as anyone else. It's a bit of a crap shoot, really.

but think about it, *that's* gotta be a tough gig. Who wants to be the person on duty that let in a violent lunatic, let alone an international terrorist? Who wouldn't defensively err on the side of caution?

But, having said that, I know that profiling of "hippies" is an unfortunate mischaracterization because they are typically not violent terrorists. They are, however, people who tend to really, really enjoy drugs, so let's not be naive!

Secondtube's situation is, as I understand it, not a prior nor a record but a dismissal which has forced him to follow through on the proper paperwork, which he has done and has taken years to process. I was there when he was denied entry that one time and I view it as an honest misunderstanding. I won't go further into it here.

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was it hard to get your waiver secondtube?

i've been trying to get one (on the west coast) for 4 years. i also did not do anything wrong and was totally messed with for no reason.

also, did you get a one year waiver? 5 year or what?

the waiver application (the ones i've done anyhow) state that it is good for just one visit, but i was told that it is usually actually given for a year and once you've done a few the period gets longer...?

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but think about it' date=' *that's* gotta be a tough gig. Who wants to be the person on duty that let in a violent lunatic, let alone an international terrorist? Who wouldn't defensively err on the side of caution?[/quote']

Like this guy?

LOL :D ... you know that story really isn't the same without a photo of the young man in question!

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the way it was explained to me was that;

while under a ban, you need to fill out a waiver to gain entry. It does not mean you will be allowed in. The waiver is only good for one trip across the border.

Once the ban has expired you no longer need a waiver but will be required to explain the reason(s) you were denied entry and still face the possibility of not being allowed in.

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i was told that the ban was forever and that a waiver would need to be filled out for each visit, but that in reality they will usually give a year's waiver, then you keep getting a waiver every year.

i think it's all pretty random though because you never get the same info twice...they know as little as we do...

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well I know in my case...I have a 5 year ban* that expires Dec 12 2007. I was told I only need the waiver to cross within the time that my ban* is active.

*my ban is but isn't a ban, Im under an alleged deportation order. ( I say alleged because I or my lawyer who is now involved has yet to see evidence)

I'm working at starting an international incident here I think.

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Harper warns U.S. against border plan

I would just urge the Congress to think carefully, [for] if the fight for security ends up meaning the United States becomes more closed to its friends, then the terrorists have won," Harper said.

The americans are the fucking Terrorists. Ive had enough of this shit. Its time to stop these people before they really go to far. Stephen Harper needs to get off Georgie's dick and start doing something before we are all living in a police state too.

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Harper warns U.S. against border plan
I would just urge the Congress to think carefully, [for] if the fight for security ends up meaning the United States becomes more closed to its friends, then the terrorists have won," Harper said.

The americans are the fucking Terrorists. Ive had enough of this shit. Its time to stop these people before they really go to far. Stephen Harper needs to get off Georgie's dick and start doing something before we are all living in a police state too.

Did Harper really say that? Good for him.

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It's not right to label Americans as terrorists, Stephen Harper isn't riding Bush's dick - he seems to pressing for less border restrictions, not more, to his credit - and America is not a police state.

Calling americans** terrorists; I know it isnt right but the facts dont lie.

America not a police state? See the Patriot Act.

As far as Stephen Harper goes...I'll leave that out for now because he( and his government) is the only chance I have of getting any help right now, doesnt mean Im happy about that.

** in saying americans I'm not meaning the people but the people who represent them. the good citizens of the USA can't be blamed for the actions of their leaders for 2 reasons.

1. When it all comes down to it, they really don't have any say in who is in charge. The Electoral College decides.

2. You are supposed to be able to believe what you gev't is telling you. Thats what they are supposed to be there for.

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