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Bush to appear on 24


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Rove Fears Role May Confuse Constituents

By Mark Miller

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The producers of FOX TV's hit drama, 24, can count one more viewer among the show's loyal audience -- President George Bush! The Emmy Awardwinning show stars Kiefer Sutherland as counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer.

"The President had watched a few shows over the years, but he had trouble understanding the main concept, in which a single day's activities are stretched across a full season," confided a White House insider.

"Finally, trusted adviser Karl Rove sat Mr. Bush down and slowly explained it, in much the same way he does foreign policy, domestic policy and how cell phones work. He said, 'The show is about a counterterrorism unit within the U.S. government, protecting the country from foreign and domestic terrorists.' The President's eyes lit up. He finally understood and has been a loyal fan ever since."

In fact, Bush has become such a big fan that he reportedly asked the producers to let him guest-star as one of the counterterrorism agents alongside Sutherland's Jack Bauer.

Two weeks later, according to the insider, the producers delivered to the White House a script featuring President Bush as special agent Eddie Burke, who ends up single-handedly "taking out" an entire gang of terrorists.

Bush was just about to commit to the part when Rove put a damper on it. "He explained that it would be confusing and distracting for the American public to see their President packing heat and talking into his sleeve," said our source.

After Rove explained it four more times to the President, and two times after that very slowly, Bush finally understood. Grumpily, he informed the producers that he would not be guest-starring.

Bush is currently trying to figure out a way he can guest-star on the show as himself, even though the show already has a U.S. President. "I don't see that as an obstacle," Bush told Rove. "I see it as an opportunity."

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