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Holy Hygiene !


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It's mind-boggling to me to consider what lead Mr. Fluffhead to this discovery...probably went a little something like this...

Typical Wednesday. Roll out of bed, drink some coffee, go to work. Ponder world peace. Smoke some cigarettes. Grow bored with pondering and smoking. Wonder what possible crafts one could make with feminine hygiene products. Locate tamponcrafts.com. Spend rest of day in tamponic creative bliss.

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ya wanna know sumtin'....in all honesty now.....acid (and other chems) have always halted my menses....but whatev"A"....

.....LM...that's some pretty interesting shite to contemplate, let alone, DEAL WITH, when peaking, babe!!!! (I certainly wouldn't trade it fer a cock....especially when my back-up one plugs into a wall socket!!!!)

Honestly (again!), imho, pretty cool to have one!!!!!!!!!!!

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