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Acoustic Diesel


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Glad to see my recording is getting listened to finally. Its great also that some Doug Feaver is getting heard to, seeing as he won't let me put any of his shows online, nor share them & I have ones dating back to 92 & 93 with Fat Cats. Nice loophole when he plays with bands that do allow sharing.

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I've enjoyed your recording of the acoustic Diesel PJC show, many many times, G! Thanks for getting that down and doing such a good job on it!

A bunch of caught the acoustic Diesel show two days after the PJC 5th anniversary show. What a perfect afternoon of tasty acoustic covers and interesting acoustic takes on Diesel Dog originals!

They played about three and half hours of music that afternoon, including a few songs with about-town man Mark Wilson!

Unfortunately, the majority of my recording didn't turn out... still have an hour or so of great stuff though. Maybe it will see the light of day some day.

I posted a bunch of photos from that afternoon.


A couple previews:




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