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The Fat Cats @ Mavericks Saturdar Oct 14th, 2006


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I'm led to believe he has only one of each copy, actual releases. He listed each album(s) availability - One In Stock, along with release numbers.

I've sent an email asking about this, if its the actual release or a burned copy. If its a burned copy then its not cool.

[edit to add]

After a quick read, I see people can list their CDs with this site that they wish to sell, so this probally is just someone with actual releases just unloading them.

Germany`s largest mail order store for 2nd hand & new records and CDs / Videos... offers any musical genre and any related items. We are specialized in 12inch Dance Music from the 80s up today in any style! Check our complete catalogue for your wants ...


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I'd like to know just who the hell this guy is!! (Not to say the guys care about having their music distributed for free, but if someone else is actually charging for copies???)... somehow that doesn't sound very cool

Very bizzare, that's for sure! I'm thinking it's got to be a used copy, which would be fine, or a bootleg copy, which wouldn't be very cool at all.

Greg, if you need a copy of Cruelty's Cure, I can burn you one. I'll only charge you $10. Notice the lack of purple font or other indications that I was joking. I hope I didn't need them. :) Seriously though, if you want a copy from me just PM me your snail mail addy and I'll burn you one and send it to you.

And MarcO heading to Ottawa ... now that's news! :)

Peace, Mark

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Wow, this thread moved quickly ... lots happened as I was typing my last post.

Just to clarify for people that may be reading the thread but aren't sure what is going on, the band Fat Cats is generally fine with somebody burning a copy of one of their two existing studio discs for somebody else to listen to (as long as it's done for free), because they are out of print copies of each disc and don't have plans to print more.

The rest of what is going on in this thread is related to some fanatical Fat Cats and MarcO fans who post on this board! ;):)

Peace, Mark

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Well, I got a reply from that website about the CDs being burned or legit & heres what they said.


all our items are originals and no copies. Other than that we would not do it in the first place and we are not even allowed to sell copies by german law.

Kind regards,



TOTAL RECALL [used & new music]

Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse 28-30/G8

63322 Roedermark




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I want to make it, but its not looking good for me Brad, between the shows I have tickets for (OCMS, Dylan & 2 Drive by truckers) & my brother & his two kids flying over from Scotland on the 17th my time & money is pretty stretched & limited. A ride there & back is also a factor.

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ps...I JUST figured out who Wassink Wild Card is...WELCOME aboard!!!! (sorry if I missed a previous thread welcoming you)

Put your mind at ease, darlin' (though we'll miss you), I can certainly promise that, under my care, Marco won't have to have any digits surgically removed due to frost-bite and sleeping outdoors.

(here's praying for above-zero temps that weekend! I'm a pretty shitty 'mom' when 'off-duty'...nobody tell Laurie)

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Put your mind at ease, darlin' (though we'll miss you), I can certainly promise that, under my care, Marco won't have to have any digits surgically removed due to frost-bite and sleeping outdoors.

Can you guarantee he won't require any anti-biotics administered topically or otherwisely?



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Can you guarantee he won't require any anti-biotics administered topically or otherwisely?



okay, okay.....since I can't guarantee he won't come into contact with any contagious agents, I can handle administering topical anti-biotics (damn you, bradm, and your attention to niggly-figgly detail)

but suppositories are right out!!!!

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Booche, you better take care of my man or else!


I know who you are now!

Anyways, no worries on the booze intake or toast. My best friend in the world requires the exact same attention from me. The only issue is the rubbing of the feet. The best I can offer is taking his socks off once he passes out. I am VERY experienced in that field.

I hope MarcO likes meat and chicken wings. Maybe some calamari and onion rings alongside other deep fried goodness.

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