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Guest Low Roller

Pavel Valentenko clocked in a slapshot of 102mph at the annual Bulldogs skill contest. [color:purple]Is that better Booche?

Here's a link to a poorly produced video of the skills event if you want to see some of the other 22 guys that the Habs have under contract.

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Guest Low Roller

Apparently Begin, Kostopoulos, and Hamrlik are sitting out tonight's game.

This means that Brisebois and O'Byrne are in.

I doubt that the Kostopoulos move has anything to do with a form of punishment, but rather Carbs decision that brawn won't win the game, hence why Begin is also sitting.

Plus they both sucked in Ottawa.

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Guest Low Roller

I listened to the game over the radio, and it sounded like the Lightning controlled the game, and any chance the Habs did get we somehow screwed up on a golden chance or Ramo made "miraculous" saves.

Three losses in a row and four out of five... I think we can officially call this a slump. Only the second one of the season though, so it's not all bad. This slump also coincides with Hamrlik being sick... He should be back today, so hopefully this will mean a better result.

It sounded like Ryder didn't suck all that much yesterday and that Koivu was actually doing pretty good, but that could just be the announcers trying to trick me.

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Guest Low Roller

I was getting worried going into the third... but more than anything I wanted Koivu to score. You couldn't help but feel bad for the captain lately. I'm thrilled that Captain Hook had two assists!


Six Habs players have played all 58 games. Who are they?

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Guest Low Roller

Streit is the correct answer!

Saku was out with the flu for a game against the Rangers, which allowed Corey Locke to be called up, only to miss the game because his bags didn't arrive!

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Guest Low Roller

RDS only cryptically reported the following on Kovalev after the game yesterday:

"Les réjouissances de Kovalev ont cependant été de courte durée, le Russe prenant immédiatement le chemin de la clinique pour y subir des traitements."

Nobody else makes any mention of this. I hope that he's ok!!

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