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[color:red]That's my boy. I love you Carey.

Canadiens 20-year-old rookie netminder Carey Price made 31 stops to win his third straight start and run his record to 15-9-3. Price has allowed only four goals on 92 shots over his three-game streak, a sparkling save percentage of .956.

Asked to describe the pressure of an NHL game with first place in the conference on the line, the cool-headed Price didn't bat an eye.

"I don't really look at it that way," he said. "It's just another regular season game. The real season starts after the 82 games are over. That'll be fun."

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Mon, Mar 3 at San Jose 10:30 pm

Thu, Mar 6 at Phoenix 9:00 pm

Sat, Mar 8 at Los Angeles 4:00 pm

Sun, Mar 9 at Anaheim 8:00 pm

Here are our next 4 games. I am feeling good about going at least 2-2 on this trip but 3-1 is possible. The game against Anaheim will be a great test for the Habs. I'm thinking Halak gets a start against either Pho or LA.

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[color:purple]gotta love the extra point - ottawa has more wins and fewer losses, but montreal has lost more in OT so they're in first.

not taking anything away from the habs because they are scary right now, but that 3-point-game thing is absolutely stupid and has to go. (and i'd say the same thing if the teams were reversed)

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Price just stood (more like layed) his ground during a 5 on 3 and I have no idea how San Jose didnt score. It was equal parts him and the SJ players not raising the puck.

O'Byrne with his first on the powerplay! Or it might have been just as it ended.

Sweet-ass. 2-2. Any Hab fan with my number can call me because I will be up watching the entire game.

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Brian Campbell scored a wicked Savardian spin-o-rama goal as well to end the box at 6-4. Check the highlights because no one is going to let the Cheechoo goal and the Campbell one to escape. Incredible. They were both videogame-esque.

That was one entertaining game. I talked to Jaimoe for most of it and probably helped out in the house because I didnt scream at every goal while waking Douglas.

Wide open hockey boys. Just like the old days.

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Yes it was a good game but there was definitely a couple of weak goals via Price although Nabokov let in a total softie as well. Andrew, it was entertaining and I am positive you will see a highlight of the goal that went off of Price's stick while 'wringing' around. Fuck all of that. The redundancy is what you would have to worry about and that is why Gainey made his choice. There is a reason none of us are GM's.

It's playoff hockey right now buddy. Read that Badams! I get it. There's not much of a season left and it's tight between 1st and 4th. Les Brahs played with les passion. They were trying to hit everyone. Newspapers ALWAYS miss that shit. Trust me over RDS or 17 year olds pissing on the internets ears. The defence was poor but that is because the Habs were playing from behind all night. It was a great game to watch. Capice?

A loss is a loss. You cant win them all and you try to control potential losing streaks. It was a great game, albeit defensively sloppy. As long as they continue to skate I am ok with the season. Teams are trying to tighten les boys up. If that happens while the Habs cant open their lanes then almost all hope is lost. 2 rounds maximum but it's still un.f

Dead honour.

These boys trust Price to leave him alone.

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It sounds like a great game. I saw the hilights this morning and there were some nice goals, especially Campbells. We can't win them all and SJ is a very good team. I agree we need to buckle down with out D. I like Price but 39 shots against per game is not good.

I still have faith and I am confident we will win our next two going in to Anahiem. Should be some great games.

The Habs play some entertaining hockey and we have talent at all positions. It's going to be a fun ride the rest of the season and then the 'real' season will begin :)

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Guest Low Roller

Price is in nets tonight against the 'Yotes... Can't take them lightly at all, they beat the hottest team in the league last night, 2-1 over the Stars.

The Habs will need a big effort me thinks.

In other news, Chipchura misses the Habs.


"I'd definitely like to be there," he says. "I can just imagine what the atmosphere in the city is like. You watch the games on TV and of course you want to be there but I'm a young guy and I still have a lot to learn and I have to keep working each day to get there."
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I may have made a poor decision. I just cracked a beer and the game isnt on for 3 and a half hours.

Put the cap back on it, and put it back in the refrigerator until the game starts. Or drink it all now, but then don't have any more until the game starts.



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I may have made a poor decision. I just cracked a beer and the game isnt on for 3 and a half hours.

Put the cap back on it' date=' and put it back in the refrigerator until the game starts. Or drink it all now, but then don't have any more until the game starts.



Are you fucking serious?

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Les Brahs got BITCHSLAPPED in the first 3/4's of the 1st period. There was a section that featured Phoenix in their end for over three minutes (two on the powerplay) but Price stole the show. The last few minutes saw MTL mount a couple of shots so that total wouldnt look so bad but man alive did they ever come out slow.

I missed the first six minutes of the 2nd but walked in during Turtleplek's goal. My guess is that the boys feel incredibly fortuanate to be up by one.

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It is GREAT to see Price rebound like this after a bad game. I didn't see the game but from Booches and Douglas first period commentary and the internet it appears he kept the boys in it through the first 2 periods.

To quote Douglas last night...


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Guest Low Roller

Lynn is Habs fan? (or is she simply humouring Booche?)

As of last night, the Habs have scored more goals that the Red Wings, and are two goals away from tying the top scoring team in the league- The Senators...

That should be easy enough. ;)

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