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Ahhhhh I love the morning after :)

Me too. Reminds me of the first chapter of Ken Dryden's book, when he talks about leaving his house on the morning after a win. His neighbor smiles at him "he knows", the mailman smiles and waves "he knows", people in traffic smile and honk the horn, "they know".


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You cant even imagine! You have to be out there (on the ice) to realize how much of an impact they (the fans) have. When we jump on there they just seem to push us, even if we’re tired. We get so much energy from here, and they’re so loud. They’re the best fans in the league and it’s not for nothing, I know they’re going to be here every time.
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Whoa. Crazy finish. Kovalev looked rather weak in the 3rd on those power plays. He was waiting, and getting off weak shots. But holy shit, he switches sides in OT and snipes a perfect shot to win it.

Congrats Habs.

Tim Thomas had some awesome saves. That post with 0.1 seconds left in the third was nuts. So close.

It'll be fun seeing them play again tomorrow night. No day off and travel ... gotta love the first round ;)

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Kovalev looked rather weak in the 3rd on those power plays. He was waiting, and getting off weak shots. But holy sh!t, he switches sides in OT and snipes a perfect shot to win it.

Do you know why that happened?

I figure it was this. Kovy got PISSED that he missed that toe-backhanded breakaway. It finalized with him getting a slashing penalty against Bruin-dude after Bruin-dude rubbed his face in the ice. Yikes.

The Bruins scored on the ensuing powerplay to tie the game. Yikes. Kovy knew he had to make amends, especially after Thomas robbed his ass while he was in his perfect one-timed *spot* to score on the powerplay during overtime.

What was it? 2 minutes later? BLAMMO!

Short-side high and the only spot he could hit to score. Outstanding. 14 for 25. Go Les Brah Go.

Buy My Dvd 27

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Guest Low Roller

Don't know what to have for my pre-game meal.

Don't know whether the Bruins will win a game they can't afford to lose.

Don't know whether to watch the CBC or RDS.

As if ...

The latter is a no-brainer. And speaking of cerebral deficiency, I may switch over after the first period just to elevate my blood pressure by listening to the inanities of Don Cherry, who's being paid with my tax dollars to cheer for Boston.

Other than that, it's RDS all the way. I've blogged off their telecasts all season and there's no reason to change ... least of all to hear Bob Cole grappling with the names of players he rarely sees.

It should be a game not even Cole can ruin. If Boston loses, it's over; and I expect they'll play with the urgency we saw last night at the Bell Centre.

RDS rules!

And the CBC sucks.

But you knew that. Here's the latest evidence:

RDS's telecast of the Canadiens-Bruins opener on Thursday night drew an average audience of 1.48 million viewers.

The English telecast, on the CBC, averaged 1.186 million.

In comparing the numbers, note that RDS is a cable and satellite network that reaches 2.57 million Canadian households, mainly in Quebec.

The CBC, which you can pick up with a decent set of rabbit ears, reaches 13 million households.

RDS's viewership was the second highest ever for Canadiens' hockey. Last season's tragic finale in Toronto drew an average audience of 1.531 million – a number that will be exceeded as Canadiens continue their playoff run.

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Lots of fantastic hits being laid out in this game tonight. :D

The saturation of Leaf games on the CBC is primarily based on the fact (no matter how shitty they many be) that they bring in the numbers. Numbers mean revenue. The popular myth is that tax dollars subsidize the CBC as a whole. This is far from the case. The sales department brings in MORE THAN HALF of all money into the CBC. That means advertising sales are more responsible for keeping it alive than tax dollars. If it was completely publicaly funded there would be NO commercials.

Now, I have no idea what the deal is with the French CBC and whether they lost the contract to RDS for televising rights for the Habs. When I was a kid that's how I was able to survive and get my Canadiens hockey games in and I could have cared less that the broadcasts were in French (i remember it was channel 25 here in Toronto).

The CBC is happiest when Toronto/Montreal are in the playoffs. They are less happy when the Western teams are in and the Sens. Totally unhappy when none of the 6 Canadian franchises are in. Their ratings were abmismal in the Cup final last year with Anaheim and Ottawa.

I'd be happy to find out a bit more about the numbers, etc. when I'm back at work tomorrow :P

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