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Nero comments and fact checking


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I remember a little anecdote. A few years ago on Halloween, nero. played Vancouver, and Lassie dressed all the members up like animals (a la Spinal Tap).

Not quite. According to


Anyway, we ended up back at my friend Corey's place to find that his girlriend Carina had arranged for our Hallowe'en disguises. Chris was a Rasta man, Dave a devil, Jay was a pig, and I was Gonesha.



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I should warn people at the outset the article I wrote is about Lauzon post-nero and deals in passing with nero and the jamband scene (fairly I believe). I sense I may take a bit of shit from the board for a couple of remarks but you know I'm a journalist for a weekly paper in Guelph, Cambridge, Waterloo and Kitchener first. That's to say I was really trying to appease the Lauzon household, the board, the needs of my community and editor. Hopefully I've done that.

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Hmmm...I'd think that writing an article about a musician without having even a passing familiarity with his music (and Lauzon's solo music is radically different from nero's music; I've also found that Lauzon has grown and changed as a solo performer over the last 10 months or so) would limit the scope of the article. But if you're focusing on Lauzon the person, maybe it's OK.



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Yeah I know it's a different direction. It focuses on the direction of his life and music, uses quotes from him to document how he perceives this directional shift etc. There's very little if any opportunity to go in any depth into what the music might sound like especially instrumental music (try it yourself how would that sound especially to someone with no familiarity whatsoever with jambands, nero, Lauzon or even expansive improvisation). Sure I should have poured over the recordings, I didn't really have the means to pull them down from wherever and there's no release of consequence (well there's no release at all I'm aware of). In that regard Dave was lucky to get any coverage whatsoever - what is it that he is out promoting? What are we promoting as a weekly on his behalf?

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