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Rumsfeld just quit


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what's to celebrate about this story?

I think it's pretty sad and even sadder that we as a society feel the need to rub that little bit of salt in just to make a bad situation even worse.

if we could only find a way to make politics not turn everything so sour and ugly!!

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someone just raised the point, what if Bush appoints Lieberman Sec of Defense, then the Gov of CT appoints a Republican Senator to replace him, thus shifting power in the Senate back to the Repubs (assuming MT and VA go Democratic when all's said and done)...sneaky.

though they are reporting former CIA director robert gates will take over...

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Nothing against republicans in general, but I have no guilt in saying that I personally do find Rumsfeld's demise extreme cause for celebration...

Regardless of your politics I can't see too many reasonable people honestly wanting to be represented by, or affiliated with this man.

Although I celebrate with extreme caution...

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someone just raised the point, what if Bush appoints Lieberman Sec of Defense, then the Gov of CT appoints a Republican Senator to replace him, thus shifting power in the Senate back to the Repubs (assuming MT and VA go Democratic when all's said and done)...sneaky.

though they are reporting former CIA director robert gates will take over...

but Lieberman's a Democrat. I really don;t see that happening.

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And as for Rumsfeld quitting...

He just saw the writting on the wall and decided to leave on his own terms...

With the house run by the Dems, it was only a matter of time before they asked for his resignation...

The Dems and even some Reps have been pushing for his resignationa for a while now... The only thing that stood in the way was that the House was Rep run and good ol G-dub stood so strongly opposed to the notion... With the change in the house, not even G-dub could have stood in the way...

Edit to Add:

Just wanted to clarify a point I made... The House can't actually force resignation, only the President can make that decision... They can just make things unbearable for Bush until the decision is made... Along w/ holding up the presidents agenda and using tools like Congressional Hearings to muddy the face of the President; they would be able to ultimately force the decision...

Rumsfeld, knew where the house stood... And where he stood in light of the new House...

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Actually, he lost the Democratic primary to Ned Lamont, due to his support for the Iraq War, etc. He was always one of the more right-wing Democrats, but has said he will sit in the Democratic Caucus in the Senate.

Even before loosing to Ned, it was often rumoured that he would run independant due to party conflict...

It's true that he is a strong-arm Dem but only the same way Clinton was... Don't forget, they're Americans... Some believed in the War (and still do) and some never did... He is however very left when it comes to social programs and social concerns, and those agenda's are not held w/ the Reps...

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Don't forget, they're Americans...

Don't get me wrong, I myself am a dual-citizen and my father still lives in the US... My point was not to stereo-type someone based on nationality, but anyone can agree that even the furthest left Dems still stand strong behind the US Empire... They all believe in the State and the State's resp to mold the world in their image... They use this mis-conjured view that in the world, only 2 sides exist, Good & Evil... And they strongly advocate that their way is not only Good but that they need to instill this in other nations and protect others from what they deem Evil...

Anyways, I'm just ranting by this point, so I'll just shut up now...

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Apparently during the Fox News report on this, while the correspondent was standing on the White House lawn and talking about the impending announcement, if you listened really carefully, you could hear people in the background chanting "Na-na-nahh-na, na-na-nahh-na, hey, hey, hey...goodbye"



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You guys actually use the politics forum I thought it was just window dressing. I'd contribute if I knew it was talk like this.

I think lush nailed it. I'm not really sure why no one's talking about the Democrats taking the House (and something like 6 more governerships) - I haven't figured out how the Senate sits there's still undecideds or something. What's really interesting today is Pelosi priming herself for the speaker position. The San Fran firebrand (she's seen the Other Ones or Dead or something) is pistol ready.

She has shot back at Bush, calling him everything from "incompetent" to "in denial and dangerous." She also has repeatedly threatened that once the Democrats take the House helm, "the president will have to have a different attitude now that he won't have a rubber-stamp Congress."

So what will be on the agenda come January? Pelosi has said that in the first 100 hours of her speakership she will push for action implementing all 9/11 Commission recommendations on national security, raising the minimum wage to $7.25. eliminating corporate subsidies for oil companies, allowing the government to negotiate Medicare drug prices, imposing new restrictions on lobbyists, cutting interest rates on college loans and supporting embryonic stem-cell research.

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Rumsfeld quittingis 2yrs overdue. This is a huge victory and one to celebrate.

I for one would love to kick him when he is down without remorse. Or waterboard him in guantanamo, that seems to be more his style.

So how long until someone brings this assclown up on war crimes charges.

Can we hang him with Saddam?

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Agreed, he is progressive on social issues, but on the whole I'd personally tip him slightly right to most Dems on other issues, but I'm no expert on Lieberman's record or anything.

There was this great article in the August Rolling Stone I remember running across. It paints a pretty sour picture - not like Lieberman ever came off to me as anything more than a hard-right politician anyway (I mean, Zell Miller was also a Democrat, right?).

Bush's Favorite Democrat

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