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Free Hugs


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r u guys freakin kidding me?

FREE HUGS serve no purpose but some lame self righteous agenda....

well, it might not be as relevant and useful as a discussion on, say, "who would you like to punch in the face really hard?" or "people who should die" but we can't all be winners now can we?

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yes, you're right.

let's go back to hating our neighbours and elbowing whoever tries to come into our personal space... and instead of hellos, i much prefer a low belly grunt and maybe if i'm lucky a nod of the head. no eye contact please. that's too much!

one thing I loved about Borat, is how he showed how cold and unresponsive north american society really is through comedy. BRILLIANT! god that movie was funny.

the shy people in need of a hug are much better off with a chance of getting one, than not dima.

right.... first off, thats bullsiht.

people are friendly and kind to their neighbors...people truley enjoy helping people out when needed...toronto drivers are usually kind and let you squeeze in if you have to...and when i hold doors for some one, they say thank you and i say no problem.

and this is the real world.

this false concept of "THEY" has you wanna be hippies delusional. "THEY" are all robots..."THEY" don't like saying hello..."THEY" need hugs. fack aff.

people are geniunely nice. KEY WORD... geniune.

if a guy with a strange accent started walking around a crowded subway trying to kiss people and hug them like BORAT, i would totally we weirded out and move away. If a random weirdo wanted to introduce himself to me and started hugging me, he would be invading my personal space.

its not because i'm some sort urban cybor with no emotions....its because thats NOT normal....and living in a city with a large homeless population thats mentally unstable...i'm allowed to feel that way.

standing with a SIGN and giving free hugs is pretty egocentric... its serving little to no purpose...

like those clowns at places like Phish festivals and stuff that stand on a busy lane of traffic and offer free hugs.

are they doing this because thats what they truley want to do and its important to the "vibe" or are they just doing it because they saw some other douche doing it and watched a documentary about the DEAd and saw it there too. and the douches that hug them ...are pretty much in the same boat.... both people are just fulfilling self fullfiling ideals in their own mind...they are not REALLY connecting... it doesn't work like that poeple.

and booche can vouche for my hot date.....right boochey?

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Happy 4:20

You're entitled to your opinions. You rant them well.

A free hug is not FORCED upon you. Nobody is invading your personal space. If they we're running up to people to hug them without consent, sure, that would upset people. The concept behind this is simply to OFFER them to those who would like 'em.

How does it mke people feel bad? Maybe the person who is too shy will see people doing this again and will get the courage to go for it the next time. They will feel better about their own confidence, and then gain the great feeling of the hug too.

"Believe it if you need it, if you don't just pass it on"

HOw about spreading a bit of niceness rather than the negativity all the time?

Be better people ... we all need to do that every once and a while. An yes, I love sarcasm and biting humour as well ... but it shouldn't tip the scale too far to one side.


Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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right.... first off, thats bullsiht.

people are friendly and kind to their neighbors...people truley enjoy helping people out when needed...toronto drivers are usually kind and let you squeeze in if you have to...and when i hold doors for some one, they say thank you and i say no problem.

and this is the real world.

this false concept of "THEY" has you wanna be hippies delusional. "THEY" are all robots..."THEY" don't like saying hello..."THEY" need hugs. fack aff.

people are geniunely nice. KEY WORD... geniune.

if a guy with a strange accent started walking around a crowded subway trying to kiss people and hug them like BORAT, i would totally we weirded out and move away. If a random weirdo wanted to introduce himself to me and started hugging me, he would be invading my personal space.

its not because i'm some sort urban cybor with no emotions....its because thats NOT normal....and living in a city with a large homeless population thats mentally unstable...i'm allowed to feel that way.

standing with a SIGN and giving free hugs is pretty egocentric... its serving little to no purpose...

like those clowns at places like Phish festivals and stuff that stand on a busy lane of traffic and offer free hugs.

are they doing this because thats what they truley want to do and its important to the "vibe" or are they just doing it because they saw some other douche doing it and watched a documentary about the DEAd and saw it there too. and the douches that hug them ...are pretty much in the same boat.... both people are just fulfilling self fullfiling ideals in their own mind...they are not REALLY connecting... it doesn't work like that poeple.

and booche can vouche for my hot date.....right boochey?

hah.. holy rant is right! ;)

i think it's all in the eye of the beholder dima. what you consider NORMAL is a direct result of your society and how you were raised, but to someone else raised differently, you freaking out on the subway to some rando guy trying to kiss you could be considered crazy. I'm sure that's what Borat was trying to convey in his movie.

What makes this video awesome isn't that a person is standing in the street holding up a sign that says "free hugs". It's the response of all the strangers walking by who actually take them up on the offer and watching their interaction. It's kind of endearing to see. You know, after tuning into CNN after work and watching all the bombing and crap going on in the world. Does it even matter where their inspiration to be nice comes from? Maybe they are doing it to make themselves feel good. Feeling good IS NOT, nor ever could be, a bad thing! Egocentric is not a bad word when it entails bettering yourself!

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hehehe, egocentric, not sure how that applies here but my view is that the campaign is to try to make someone else's day a little better. Then again, I could just be one of those damn tree-hugging hippies that want to destroy the earth by saying things like stop cutting down the trees, lower the green house gases and pollution, make love not war, etc...


1. Holding the view that the ego is the center, object, and norm of all experience.


a. Confined in attitude or interest to one's own needs or affairs.

b. Caring only about oneself; selfish.

3. Philosophy

a. Viewed or perceived from one's own mind as a center.

b. Taking one's own self as the starting point in a philosophical system.

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