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Toilet Humor


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Funny, but not so funny story,

I get home last night from Kingston and really have to pee.....go into the bathroom,

soaking wet towels on the floor, hanging everywhere and all the dirty laundry soaking wet in the tub.

I call to my son and say, what the F happened in here.

He says, Um, I took a massive dump and when I flushed it the toilet clogged and overflowed........for like HALF AN HOUR!!!!!

somehow he managed to get it stopped, but not before using every towel in the house and all of our dirty laundry to clean up the water.

I spent 45 minutes trying to get it fixed and then had to call the landlord to come and snake out the darn thing.

it took him almost an hour to unclog it...and when he was leaving, said to me. "You're boy must eat a lot."

I laughed later....but wasn't laughing when I had to pee in the tub.


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Dinghy, you have recently expelled something from your life or you feel the need to. During this process there is obviously something else you are looking for to replace what it is that you have expelled or want to expell.

So my best guess is this. You want to knock up your wife.

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:P Now here's a thread I can appreciate!

It is now proven that the new 'low flush' toilets do not operate as well as their water gobblin' predecessors. DUH huh!

The science reads that 6L does not create a deep enough river to carry away your treasures.

Best advice from the lab? Hold the handle down and let the tank drain completely for those special times. This adds 2-3L for bouyancy.

To add to the old saying ... " Shit floats downhill, payday's Thursday and keep yer fingers out of your mouth."

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Technically, the term toilet humour should only be applied to that which is written on the interior of a bathroom stall. Speaking of which, I'm taking a dump one night at the PJC after enjoying some of their "fine"(I use that term loosely)cuisine when I notice out of the corner of my eye a phone number I recognize offering a good time that I can't quite put my finger on. So I call said number and not much to my surprise Paisley answers. Anyway, to make a long story short it was the best fuckin' blowjob I've ever had. EVER!!!

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