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What Is The Lovely Feathers Deal?


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Okay seriously what the fuck was the deal with the Feathers cancelling on all those dates.

I was actually in the hotel room with Rubio (tour manager) when the phone call came in that they weren't making it. 'There guy was sick' like head in the toilet. I actually just believed it and thought 'too bad buddies feeling sick'. Then later I realized they called in sick to all the gigs and that if you don't intend to play a show I guess you have to feign some sort of excuse.

Unless those guys were holed up in some room not wanting to leave like Steve Earle on crack I can't fathom the excuse.

What is so fucking difficult about booking a tour, some openers and having them - I don't know - show up. I really owe Shane particularly an apology which I've already done profusely in person. I truly think all of the fucked up shit surrounding this tour was coming out of the Slip camp. I think the buck stops with them.

Seriously I know bands playing in their mom's basement who are seemingly more organized. I mean hell I got paid for a cover story and yet they weren't on the cover. My editor just told me flat out that even with 3 weeks lead time their publicist just couldn't get adequite images to him. That was just one example.

I also realized that Kill The Lights and The Slip have the same Canadian agent and that The Slip had no awareness of the group prior to the Guelph date. That says to me that the agent wanted to double up on the commission and sell two bands off his roster. Fortunately Kill The Lights were complimentary and I quite liked them but that seemed to be largely coincidental.

I guess the lesson I've learned from the Slip is tough love. Goes both ways.

Unless I'm totally confused, and I'm sure there's more to some of this, I really think the Lovely Feathers should be fucking boycotted by our scene and that they should be, well, tarred and feathered for this classless shit.

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I'm glad you got the gig no doubt but what fucking gives. I sense they just must not have wanted to travel for so little money or something but still why commit in the first place. Malamud produced their album so that's the connection to the band but seriously pull it together.

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Now would be a perfect time for NorthernWish to chime in with his stories about trying to buy merch from the Slip and how they never have any with them.

Twice in a row I saw shows where they actually had posters with them. Unfortunately, both times the poster was for the previous night's show.

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The thing with the merch and not having it on hand seems to be in part not wanting to get dinged for all the taxes at the border. At least that's what they said which makes some sense.

That said in terms of the Slip piece of things it seems like they can never get all their oars going in the same direction.

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Portland, ME on Halloween 2005 - the only merch they had was posters from the previous night in Northampton.

And this one takes the cake, this June playing the post-show for MMJ at the Boston F'n Pops, they had a couple odds + ends of t-shirts and the poster from the previous weekend in California.

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if it makes any difference, in Boston 2 weeks ago they had a table full of stuff, i think 3 or 4 different shirt designs, new and old cds, and Eisenhower tour posters (that featured all shows except Ottawa, and Montreal was still on there). Nobody was buying posters so they would throw them in with any other purchase.


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if it makes any difference, in Boston 2 weeks ago they had a table full of stuff, i think 3 or 4 different shirt designs, new and old cds...

Note to self: organize my CDs tonight. I'm sure I have a copy of "Angels Come On Time", but I couldn't find it the last time I looked.



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I wonder if it's a combination of things. For example, this tour may have been (financially) worth it (or not too big a loss) if the band were able to do all the gigs, but illness may have definitely prevented them from doing the first, and made the rest doubtful. Phoning in sick for all of them was then just a way to get out of an arrangement that just wasn't worth it for them.



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I'm looking I guess for conjecture or something.

What are the facts? Again and again and again --- what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history" --- what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always in to an unknown future; facts are your only chance. Get the facts!



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