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a similar thing is happenning in the siberian arctic, execpt in their case it's defrosting peat bogs releasing methane. as the peat bogs melt the white ice turns to dark water, absorbing more solar radiation and heating and accellerating the warming process.

in other news, olive trees are now growing in the south of england.

who's got my heady sub etha thumb??

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when i was up in the arctic at the end of september the ice was 1 month late in forming, according to the dude i talked to. pond inlet 'usually' started to ice over around labour day according to him.

when i left the arctic they were still free and clear of ice.

scary times.

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You guys know that Global Warming is a THEORY that has never been proven, right?

You guys know that global tempartures fluctuate in cycles, and that the span of human existence is not even a pot leaf in the ocean in terms of history, right?

You guys know that temparutes in certain regions have actually gone DOWN over the past 20 years, right?

Not saying you should pollute and disregard greenhouse gas issues, but please, like always, QUESTION EVERYTHING.

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What about the Colorado River at about 1/3 of the flow volume as it was before Vegas opened? And the Belagio's fountains which shoot up 70,000 gallons of water a minute, but only 35,000 land because of evaporation...

We might not contributing to gloabal warming, but it's clear we are fucking things up, if not for the planet, for us. Sure question everything, but I think it's time for some answers.

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William, some studies have shown that urbanization causes a GREATER climate change than increased CO2 in the atmosphere.

Global Warming is the theory that increased CO2 in the atmosphere causes an increase in temperatures. What some don't realize is that environmental standards have, in many areas, brought the CO2 production back to pre-1980 levels. In some of those areas temperatures have continued to rise.

The real point here is that there are extremists of every side of every complex issue, and scientists are able to manipulate data to show the results they want.

Email me if you are insterested in more information - I can send you some historical temperature date compared to CO2 levels, and show you how BOTH sides of the debate presented the VERY SAME statistics to prove their competing points.

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the billion dollar PR firm hired by Big Oil to hire retired scientists to question the vast majority of scientific researchers who study climate change, is the exact same company that Big Tobacco hired in the 50's (through the 90's) to cause the public to question whether second-hand smoke is harmful at all to anyone (although the majority of research showed it was obviuosly harmful back in the 50's)

same basic argument:

"Thats not a turd in the middle of the living room carpet. Tax guaging / bleeding-heart liberal / special interest groups are twisting the facts to make you believe you see a turd in the middle of the living room carpet. There is no viable evidence that there is a turd in the middle of the living room carpet, no matter what you think you see."

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I think the only reason some people still argue climate change (not "global warming" anymore...) is the huge freakin $$$$$$$ put into publicising the opposing argument.

We are fucking the environment up faster than most species can adapt to cope. There are all kinds of incomplete arguments, or comparisons that ignore spatial or temporal scales that might convince you otherwise, but dig deep enough and there's no doubt we're fucking shit up.

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Ahem - nowhere did I say that Global Warming was a myth and that this is all BS. That being said, most here are proving my argument - anyone with a view that is considered different from the masses is shunned out. I can't wait to post some references, that are NOT big oil companies - it has NOTHING to do with that.

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Ahem - nowhere did I say that Global Warming was a myth and that this is all BS. That being said, most here are proving my argument - anyone with a view that is considered different from the masses is shunned out. I can't wait to post some references, that are NOT big oil companies - it has NOTHING to do with that.

I'm the last guy to shun people for speaking contrary to the 'popular' opinion... I just have trouble taking Environment 101 lessons from someone who thinks Las Vegas is in anyway, a sustainable Urban development.

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You guys know that Global Warming is a THEORY that has never been proven, right?

You guys know that global tempartures fluctuate in cycles, and that the span of human existence is not even a pot leaf in the ocean in terms of history, right?

You guys know that temparutes in certain regions have actually gone DOWN over the past 20 years, right?

Not saying you should pollute and disregard greenhouse gas issues, but please, like always, QUESTION EVERYTHING.

Im with you Basher. Shifting of the poles has alot to do with the warmer climates also and would also explain the water situation. Don't discount GRAVITY people.

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