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Can you identify this poor guy?


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Hey friends and fellow Dead fans! My name is probably Jason, but I am not entirely sure, because in June of 1995 after the Grateful Dead concert at the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington, DC, I was forced to hitch-hike to catch a ride. And can you believe it, I get picked up by this idiot in a van who falls asleep at the wheel and kills both of us!

Link to full story, including photos of 'Jason'.

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They don't know his identity is the point of the story. 10 years after and they don't know who he was

why are they so interested now after ten years

they must have burried him years ago, so why all of a sudden he pop,s up

some people want to make history like me i guess

i am still confused over this story, i,m a miramichier you know

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It's not exactly the most straight forward telling of the facts. I get that the story is written in the dead kid's voice for personal impact, but at the expense of confusing some readers. In a case like this I'd expect you'd want the facts spread far, wide and crystal clear.

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The family doesn't know he's missing?

well they should have known by now he has not ben around for 10 year,s

some parent,s

this lad has a no. and name that is his father,s so he was to get in touch with him today

he was this lad,s friend and reconized the picture of him

so pray that they do know it is their son ,we all can have peace of mind as i have my book to work on

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I just read that five times. I have no idea what that post meant.

it means that a friend he hung out with saw his picture on the webb site and reconized him

and had a telephone no, that this lad gave him years ago and the address of his father and he was to get in touch with him today

my god what a post

i think everyone is mixed up now over me trying to figure it out ,and i am just getting it all figured out.

wonder where you got saying , take off the head

that is the name of my book

hope this help,s

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I just want to say that whole story seems pretty sketchy, who can disipear with out any one noticing, even 10 years later. I guess its possable, but you'd have to wonder the situation the person with there family and what not, where there was either none or none that cared enought to look for him.

in this day and age it would be that hard to find out what happened to him, or if he was your kid.

I had a kid and they went missing I wouldnt stop looking for them,, esepcially if i dint know if they were dead or not.

It just seems to me that if anyone was looing for him they would have firgured out who is he

isnt there a web site some where with pictures of all the missing people in the world, and if some one was looking for him it should be that hard

my "step" aunt went missing in the early 90's, turned out some guy murdered her in the west, and later when he got arrested for some other murder he confessed to killing her too. my step fater was on americas most wanted, back when it was more about missing people,, we never stoped looking till we got proof it was her.

just seems to me if some one was looking it wount have been that hard

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I had a kid and they went missing I wouldnt stop looking for them,, esepcially if i dint know if they were dead or not.

totally agree with you

it stump,s me too if you had a kid or any member of your family you would do everything possible to find them dead or alive

suppose it is a true story?

very sad indead

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