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The quandary on "hot teen"


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Okay, so you are not saying that a 14 year old must only have sex with someone 16 or under, correct? You are strictly referring to a situation in which the older person is in a position of trust, right?

If so, I agree with you. If, however, you are saying that a 14 year old can only have sex with someone up to 16 years old, I think you're incorrect, and I am quite certain that is what you said earlier, as I quoted on the last page...

If you are under 14 years old, and you have sex with somebody more than two years older than you are, the other person can be charged with Sexual Assault.

Agreed SM. If you are 14 or older, then you can legally consent to have sex with a person of any age, unless they are in a position of trust.

If you are under 14, then the older person must can't be more than 2 years older than you. So 13 and 15 is legal, but 13 and 16 means the 16-year-old has commited a crime.

Peace, Mark

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No worries, SM. To be honest, at first I was actually kind of excited at the thought of giving a lawyer legal information. And then I was worried that my information was wrong! :)

Back to the topic of "hot teens" ... here is a photo of brothers Michael and Mark Tonin taken more than a few years ago. :)

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"Dusty Dickeson"?!?

::eyebrows up::

Yes, when I first read his name I couldn't believe it. The article that I first read about this case did not name him. His name makes the case even more "interesting."

when I was in high school a teacher and a student at my school hooked up

she was kind of "falling through all the wrong cracks" and he stepped up and helped her out... they ended up interested in each other

school board caught wind and told him to sever ties or face charges... he told them to shove it, quit and they eventually got married... still happily married last I heard

I had a good discussion with some friends about this over the holidays. We came to the conclusion that this happened much more often back when we were in high school. The times have changed, and I believe that fewer teachers end up in these types of situations than did in the past. There has certainly been much more discussion in the profession over the last five to ten years about professional ethics and relationships with students than there was when I first started teaching. Obviously certain teachers still find certain students attractive, but I think fewer act on it than would have 20 or 30 years ago. If you are going to be a teacher, it is blatantly obvious these days that it is professionally unethical, unacceptable, and illegal to pursue a relationship with a student. At least it's a lot more obvious than it was 20 or 30 years ago. Not to mention all of the professional guidelines of late to try and prevent false accusations and tragic stories like the one mentioned by zero.

I like the Heather Ingram case in particular because she is female, which adds another dimension to the discussion, as most cases like this involve a male teacher. I remember the first time I handed out the article, with a picture of the teacher as the cover page, and a male student in my class said "she's hot" before he even knew what the article was about!

A few other random thoughts on this topic:

In my first year of teaching, an older teacher said something to me like "you know you're getting older when you go from thinking that some of the students in your class are hot to thinking that some of the moms at parent-teacher interviews are hot." Funny at the time, and funny now because it's true in many ways. Having said that, as others have said, there is so much more involved in an attraction to someone than their age and their looks.

This topic takes on a whole new meaning to me when I think that my daughter is almost 13.

Re: the Heather Ingram case, I don't think that in her particular case she should be branded as a criminal. What she did was wrong as a professional, but calling her a criminal just doesn't sit right with me given the particular circumstances of her case.

My resolution for tomorrow ... stay away from this topic so that I can actually get some work done!

Peace, Mark

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In all fairness Lazlo told me to post this but I must admit it is true.

We can't help but laugh at paisley's participation in this thread since he is usually seen around Hamilton trying to pick up girls that haven't exactly reached the maturity level of an adult.

He likes them young…

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