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Garcia biopic?

Kanada Kev

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THE BIG SCREEN SCENE: Grateful Dead fans have been debating the question of who should play the group's legendary frontman in a biopic about the late Jerry Garcia -- with names from Paul Giamatti to Jack Black to Charlize Theron (!) popping up on Entertainment Weekly's site, for instance. But it may be a moot argument. Producer Justin Berfield says he's already got his man in mind.

As a matter of fact, "We've gone out to our top choice, and fortunately they're interested in it and want to do it," reports the 20-year-old former "Malcolm in the Middle" costar. But he's not ready to make the name public. "There's no script yet so that will take a little longer."

Life after "Malcolm" has found Berfield busy -- very busy -- behind the camera. He has not only the Garcia biopic in the works, but Jessica Simpson's "Blonde Ambition" filming. Now he's focusing on his next movie, based on Doris Payne. "She's the 75-year-old jewel thief who was just caught three years ago. Her career spanned over five decades across four different countries," he reminds. "We have a script, and now we're just working on getting a director."

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