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Right- Your most embarrassing sports moment

Davey Boy 2.0

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Your dad is my hero.

Alrighty, getting back to the chick at that Kingston Canadiens game who split her pants.....

Her nickname was Heather Hooters (for obvious resons). She really wanted to get boned by Jaimoes buddy Don Norman (oh boy, I think I just heard Dave leave the room). He didnt want to have anything to do with her but he came up with a brilliant plan to help out our good friend Jaimoe, who was a virgin at the time.

"Listen Heather, if you sleep with Dave, I will have sex with you."

She grabbed Thumper and they took off to another room but alas, no sex. I dont know much of the details but I am pretty sure Dave was scared, however, he did say to me after

"I got to second base"

Now, I ask you this my good friends. Who amongst you in grade 12 was still using the on-base analogy? Maybe when we were ACTUALLY 12........

Was it Heather Hooter who went to LaSalle. I know many people who boned her.

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amen to that

My "watch this" story:

Again back in the Mount Allison days, had gotten to the pubearly for pub night and hit the pool table. Had a pretty good game back then, knew that table and it bounces like the back of my hand. Anyway drank and owned the table for hours. Literally hours. No one could dethrone me and the pub started filling up. Soon there was a crowd around the table, lots watching but also because the place was so packed. Anyway my budy comes along and places the obligatory loonie on the table and says,"Make sure you win your next game Dave coz I wanna play you" Then I notice that my next opponent was a lesbian, possibly the only known lesbian on campus (not hot).

"Ha!", I reply,"Watch this"

That's right, she ran the table on me and called me Big Shooter ever after.

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amen to that

My "watch this" story:

Again back in the Mount Allison days, had gotten to the pubearly for pub night and hit the pool table. Had a pretty good game back then, knew that table and it bounces like the back of my hand. Anyway drank and owned the table for hours. Literally hours. No one could dethrone me and the pub started filling up. Soon there was a crowd around the table, lots watching but also because the place was so packed. Anyway my budy comes along and places the obligatory loonie on the table and says,"Make sure you win your next game Dave coz I wanna play you" Then I notice that my next opponent was a lesbian, possibly the only known lesbian on campus (not hot).

"Ha!", I reply,"Watch this"

That's right, she ran the table on me and called me Big Shooter ever after.

Awesome, I'm gonna call you Big Shooter from now on.

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Lassie (my wife) and I met about nine years ago in Kingston, when we worked at the same climbing gym.

One day we were rock-climbing at the Kingston Mills. I was climbing, and Lassie was belaying. I heard her speaking to someone, and looked down to find her talking to an entire class of children, from a local school. They were there with their teacher.

It turns out that Lassie and I had taught these kids to climb at the climbing gym, and they recognized us. Of course, much of what you teach kids is about safety and respecting the environment where you climb, and such, and I could hear Lassie (speaking in her 'instructor's voice') explaining to the kids what I was doing, and how it related to those topics. As Lassie was speaking, I was climbing, and I climbed up to a really old dead tree, actually just the trunk from a dead tree, that protruded from the cliff. It was about ten feet tall, and probably six feet wide. As I used this dead tree for leverage, while Lassie was teaching about safety, respecting the environment, etc., I completely dislodged the tree, which fell crashing to the ground 20 or 30 feet below, exploding into splinters and kicking up a humongous cloud of dust.

As much as possible under those circumstances, I essentially turned around and took a bow from the side of the cliff. (The kids were entertained; at least.)

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Embarassing sports moments from my youth:

1) Playing hockey in junior novice, I was in net. My Mom was in the stands, and all the action on the rink was down at the other end, so I skated over to Mom and had a chat. Other team comes down the ice and scores.

2) A few years later, I'm playing defence I think. Player from the other team has a breakaway, as the closest guy to him, in the moment I figure I can deflect his shot on net by throwing my stick right when he shoots, deflecting the puck. Doesn't work, throwing your stick is a penalty shot. I don't think they scored in either.

3) Back in net in like pee-wee or whatever, our regular goalie has behavioural problems and the coaches want to try someone else - I volunteer. Have one decent practice where I figure I can swing it. I'm in net for 1 game, against one of the not-so-good teams in the league, final score is like 11-11. My last game in net.

4) Softball. I hit a grandslam homerun, highlight of my sports career up until that point. Back in the dugout basking in the adulation, drunkard coach comes up to me and informs me: "you didn't touch home plate". Thanks guy.

.....you can see why sailing is now my sport of choice.

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1. First game ever of houseleague when I was 4... Mom had no idea about what to do, so I just got dressed and went out on the ice. There were Bantams out there at center talking to the coach... I skated over, and they helped me back off the ice... you gotta learn the hard way.

2. Good ol' ground ball in the eye when it kicked up with alot of spin playin' first base... it was black for a while.

3. The worst was playing afterschool football. Played until twilight, and at the end when we were just throwing the ball around, I laid out for a bomb, and everthing was going well, caught the ball and turned around to see the soccer goal post about 6 inches from my face... I missed, but at the expense of my ankle. I was out for 6 weeks!

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