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Please help me welcome Genevieve to the board.


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Welcome, Genevieve. Hope to run into you sometime in Ottawa. I'll take sooner over later. (unfortunately missed out on meeting StoneMtn and Lassie this weekend, but seems that I wasn't alone ...)

Bokonon wrote a really good 'introduction for newbies' post once upon a time, but someone more patient than myself will have to do the work of digging it up ...

(Schwa, glad you guys made it back safely. Ugly weather out there)

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Oh, never mind, here it is (and what the hell ever happened to DutchTreat??)

oh yeah, here's a few things you might find useful

-don't argue with StoneMtn, he's a professional.

-i will point out your spelling mistakes

-you might get offered to become a heady wife, no one's exactly sure what that entails.

-learn to laugh at or ignore lazlo

-being called a band whore is not an insult

-yes, george w. bush and dick cheney are members here

-if you need to know something, ask bradm

-we've recently had an infestation of mice, and we're very happy about this

-booche, bouche and bouchawan are three very different people

-esau bites, don't feed the animals

This should be expanded on and made a FAQ or something. To bring it up to date, George W. and Cheney haven't posted here in awhile, esau=Alabama Man, but the bradm and mice stuff is still accurate. Also, the Lazlo rule applies equally to dimafleck.

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Oh, never mind, here it is (and what the hell ever happened to DutchTreat??)

oh yeah, here's a few things you might find useful

-don't argue with StoneMtn, he's a professional.

-i will point out your spelling mistakes

-you might get offered to become a heady wife, no one's exactly sure what that entails.

-learn to laugh at or ignore lazlo

-being called a band whore is not an insult

-yes, george w. bush and dick cheney are members here

-if you need to know something, ask bradm

-we've recently had an infestation of mice, and we're very happy about this

-booche, bouche and bouchawan are three very different people

-esau bites, don't feed the animals

This should be expanded on and made a FAQ or something. To bring it up to date, George W. and Cheney haven't posted here in awhile, esau=Alabama Man, but the bradm and mice stuff is still accurate. Also, the Lazlo rule applies equally to dimafleck.


welcome aboard Genevieve!

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You are correct, Genevieve. That's an endemic problem around here.

To help out a bit, I think I can list the people from this thread who you actually met. (I won't give their real names here, unless they choose to themselves, as Heather did.)


Ms. Huxtable


Booche (sorry about that, but he was there and I couldn't avoid him)



Of those in this thread, so far, I think those are the only Skanks you met in person. You also met others, who may or may not show up here. That's pretty good, though. I think you may have met nearly as many of these people in "real life" as I have. lol

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