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Rolling (Not work appropriate)


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Maybe time for a career-switch.

How do you get a job as a cigar-roller? (I'd at least like to enrol in the school that trains you for that sort of work.)

uhm, I don't think I want to see you roll a cigar StoneMtn, but ahh, [color:purple]thanks for the imagery

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Maybe time for a career-switch.

How do you get a job as a cigar-roller? (I'd at least like to enrol in the school that trains you for that sort of work.)

You might try contacting


They make hand-rolled Cuban cigars (using imported Cuban tobacco, and imported Cubans) in Toronto, on King. St. W. (near where the Amsterdam brew pub used to be). I've bought cigars there, and their "store" is actually the factory; I think they do rolling demonstrations.



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I had my stereo up loud when I pressed play and it was blasting and some guy knocks at my door. He gave me a weird look and he was sellign stuff. He just walked into my house and started takeing off his shoes. I told him to leave. it was weird. very strange occurance.

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