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popo weenie

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I started at 13 and the only regret I have is that I'd be a rich man if I hadn't. Otherwise I love it. I have ADD and it helps me out with studying and concentrating like mad (which ritalin will also do but not as good and it strips me of my emotions which is no fun at all).

Now, would I tell 13 year olds to start smoking? Definitely not but I wouldn't rag them out for it either.

That's not a great answer is it?

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it helps me with my seizures.

I always thought it helped with mine as well. After I started smoking pot, I was able to remain calmer during my pre-seizure aura, which led to a less intense experience. Sometimes I could even relax my way out of a seizure that I would have panicked myself into previously.

I'm medicated for my seizures now which I realize is a far better solution to my particular health problem. I seizured a lot on pot, I haven't had even one since taking Tegretol.

That being said, I'd have to say anytime after the age of 16 is okay to start smoking pot. It changed my life for the better. If your real question Popoweenie is are you too old to start smoking pot, I say no way! Giddy up woman!

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not sure about proper age but if it was regulated I think it should be the same as alcohol. Either way I think it shouldn’t be before 17-19.

I started smoking when I was 14 and I wouldn't advise it.

a little young eh

never saw your name on this site

stay away from all dope except a few vodka coolers

not dope but it numbs the pain of shit

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ms hux, tegratol eh?

good ole carbomezaphine (sp).

i take 800 mg of that shit a day.

i hate it.

but everytime i try to stop, my body has become so accustom to it, i have another seizure.

one thing my doctor and I have noticed is, of my six or seven (or however many i've had now) seizures, NONE have been while high.

now, that doesn't sound very scientific, however, when your a person who smokes multi times a day, every day, its pretty darn good odds.

i hope tegratol works for you too sharon. although i complain, because i hate meds, it really is a decent medication.

i dont have too bad a reaction to drinking alcohol, meaning a few beers an evening, and i was able to graduate school top of my class (my old meds, dilantin, barely allowed me to get out of bed).

anytime you want to chat about the meds, or anything else sharon, feel free to pm me (or heck, gimma a call).

i find this seizure stuff scary has hell.

i've never even had an 'aura' while stoned. i've felt like a seizure is coming on, smoked a bong, and that feeling goes away....and i dont have a seizure. it calms my brain neurons down (gee, surprise eh!)

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