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Tips on Getting your Name Out?

Jordan Patrick

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Hey folks,

Got dragged into this addiction with thanks to the soon to be Bouches. ;) Still trying to figure out all the bells n' whistles of this site, there's so much material!

I'm sure you've got posts relating to these fields, but in accordance with avoiding any future frustration, I was hoping some of you could maybe throw out a few pointers in riding the music-scene wave:

Ottawa has a great music scene, and I'm still being surprised at discovering how many great people, venues and musicians are involved in it. Still, I can't help but feel like a new babe to all of this, and although I'm not sure where music will take me down the line, I still wouldn't mind a few of you sharing names of places to start getting it out there.

Events, organizers, festivals, I just don't know who I have a right to ask for gigs. I've done some at Rasputins (love it!), Bass Line Station, Rainbow (love it too!), but I can't help but feel a little overwhelemed at times. I even checked out various music sponsors, without the slightest idea of how to make our music marketable.

So in nut shell, this is a cry for suggestions, or even curious listeners.

Thanks a bunch, and maybe others can benefits from reading this post, or not. I'm mainly being selfish here.

~Jordan Patrick

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You going to tell us the name of your band Jordan Patrick? It would help if we knew the genre as well.

Tips for getting your music out there.

- I'll give you a couple of the big names in Ottawa for getting music heard and supported.

1. Paul Symes (Black Sheep Inn). Paul has a big pull at the Ottawa Bluesfest. If he loves your band you're in a good place. Try book a night at the Black Sheep, give him a demo, talk to him about your band.

2. Chris (Mavericks/Dekcuf) These two venues are so great for live music downtown. Chris also promotes shows at other venues. If he loves your music, he'll give you an opening slot for a bigger touring band perhaps even at a larger venue.

3. Zaphods. Dont know them personally but they have a lot of great bands coming through and are almost always busy.

3. If you music works genre-wise. Promote your shows here on Jambands.ca, PunkOttawa and poster downtown.

4. Make friends with bloggers, writers and tapers. There's a few hot blog sites like Mockingmusic and I heart music. If they like you you'll get lots of free marketing. As for papers if you get an opportunity to meet Alan Whigney or writers from the Ottawa Xpress do so. Pass on your music to them and make them your friends. They'll find it harder to trash you... Tapers like BradM are the best for getting your music heard when you're not performing.

5. Develop an email list and send out press releases before shows so we can check you out.


Is that a start?

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You going to tell us the name of your band Jordan Patrick? It would help if we knew the genre as well.

Haha yea my bad; I play with my dad in a indie rock/acoustic/folkish set. It's pretty much called Marc Victor. We are looking for more instruments, which I will post up once I get the OK from him.

We've got a CD out, and he's got one of his own too at Marcvictor.com

thanks again!

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Welcome aboard JP! I had a feeling we'd see you around these parts sooner than later.

lara's suggestions above are terrific. This board (we call it the Sanctuary and it's members are called the Skanks), is also a wealth of musical connections.

Looking for a gig? Lots of bands that post here need openers/collaboraters. Keep your eyes open for posts like that or feel free to make them yourself.

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Welcome aboard JP! I had a feeling we'd see you around these parts sooner than later.

lara's suggestions above are terrific. This board (we call it the Sanctuary and it's members are called the Skanks), is also a wealth of musical connections.

Looking for a gig? Lots of bands that post here

need openers/collaboraters. Keep your eyes open for posts like that or feel free to make them yourself.

oh god thank you i am a skank, didn't have a clue what a skank was ha ha someone else on this board will be happy to know also

now we have that cleared up what is a thread?

is it what you sat when you reply stop laughing aloha

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