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I'm coming to town! The wife and I will be in town for a little weekend getaway March 30th till April 1. Already planning for an appearance at Stephen Franke and hopefully a cook off on Saturday night. I'm not sure what friday has in store yet but we are up for anything and any reccommendations. Can't wait to meet some fine Ottawa folk.

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DEM- Yer on brother!

Ollie- shhh don't tell the wife but it is supposed to be a weekend away for US, more so ME but thems the breaks sometimes.

Bouche- Just for that, Im gonna bust out a super secret ingrediant and blow your mind ;)

Brad- thanks, sounds like fun but Im not really into the DJ thing unless its a Reggae Soundclash.

Is there any small cafe/bohemian type places around the market?? Or any seedy blues bars?

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Is there any small cafe/bohemian type places around the market?? Or any seedy blues bars?

Check out Murray Street and the other streets on the backend of the market, that's where they quality stuff tends to be. Walk up Murray and peek into Chez Lucien, Benny's Bistro, Black Cat Cafe and Domus -- the latter of which is pricey but I think it's the best restaurant in Ottawa.

Oh yeah, just remembered there's a coffee shop on Dalhousie, north of Murray, that got some good press recently... Ideal Coffee I believe it's called. There's also a french soup/sandwich place on Dalhousie that I've heard good things about.

Yeah, now the brain is working... even further north on Dalhousie is a Portugese BBQ place that is supposed to be the tits for a cheap, homestyle meal.

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the Dominion isn't a biker bar, I haven't seen bikers en masse there ever (since I got to ottawa in 98).

and the beer selection is hardly good... they have the same old stuff and nothing to differentiate from other bars in the market.

it's still my favourite place though.


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  • 3 weeks later...
so wtf? Is the big red dread wrecking havac and destroying our beautiful nations capital or what? I woulda put the metal detector on him before allowing him into the city limits.... obviously this doesnt speak for his beautiful wife!

M.O.B.E. ended up getting interviewed for Rick Mercer's show last night after he got in a little tiff with Stephen Harper's press guy. Don't ask me how it started, but it had something to do with "your mother is a whore!".

He'll be on tomorrow night's show I think.

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Did I run into M.O.B.E. last night? I don't recall doing so.



I was sitting with you on the stairs. I know you were watching the time for track changes so I didnt want to bug you. But Thanks for the show and the recording. I like the DJ in Inglewood Jack. Digital Vinal is the way to play.

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