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Question for moe.down vets


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best thing to do is, before you get in line to get in, pull down the road that runs parallel with the venue, dump out all your stuff and a couple people in the first field, go back get in line while the others set up the gear or at least take it to a good camp spot, sure beats hauling it across the whole venue.

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How much of a walk is it?

At the adirondack fest, it was a HUGE hike, and they even had shuttle (school) buses to haul people and their shit. That certainly didn't make for easily bringing your regular CTFest stuff.

Will it be a real pain to make a couple of trips to and fro?

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Its a short walk acroos the parking lot to the camping fields...don't drop your stuff on the side of the road with a few friends...this only leads to angry security harassing people when they'd really rather be laid back and pretty much just keep the gas out...no real search until you into the music area, so be kind and forget the glass

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Here's what I remember from last year:

As you come along the road from the North, everything is on your right. You pass a small restaurant, then the parking lot, then the ski resort building, with the ski hill and concert area behind it.

Next comes the first campground, then the second. The chalet I mentioned is in the first campground. IIRC, the second campground is bigger than the first.



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Understandable why they don't want people to bring glass containers, but it's unlikely that you'll get hassled for it regardless. The security for at least the past couple years has been minimal, no car search or anything like that on your way in. Worst that would likely happen is that they would ask you to pour your beer into a plastic cup.

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