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ryan adams - last night


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thought i'd post a little review...

it was a much anticipated show for me, since scoring 3rd row tickets!!! and having never been to, or even heard of it before, the enwave theatre it a really nice venue.

there was a little bit of a weird vibe, i think half of the audience wanted ryan to really rock it out, and the other half was quite content with them just playing however they wanted to play.

i have never seen him before and have heard that he could be quite tempermental - which can always add a bit of nervousness - and as per usual there was one dude, yelling and screaming between songs, which made it even more tense... and towards the end ryan called him out as a "college graduate", then announced he was loosing his voice, played one more song and left the stage - no encore.

the bottom line is, it was amazing... i was a little dissappointed it was only 1:10 long - and am realizing now that i've totally been spoiled by phish - but when the band was playing, man, it was incredible. i am usually not moved by singing, generally i am most into musicianship, but, ryan really hits it and is f'n incredible.

sorry i can't give a set list, but he did play:

takes two

everybody knows

oh my god, whatever, etc.

carolina rain

let it ride

goodnight hollywood blvd.

dear john

and many more...

can't wait to see him again.

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What would be the point of staying on stage if he was losing his voice?

true. Perhaps he could've just played his geetar. I have seen longer sets for ten bucks before of the same quality that Ryan Adams can bring. I'm just saying.

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thought i'd post a little review...

it was a much anticipated show for me, since scoring 3rd row tickets!!! and having never been to, or even heard of it before, the enwave theatre it a really nice venue.

there was a little bit of a weird vibe, i think half of the audience wanted ryan to really rock it out, and the other half was quite content with them just playing however they wanted to play.

i have never seen him before and have heard that he could be quite tempermental - which can always add a bit of nervousness - and as per usual there was one dude, yelling and screaming between songs, which made it even more tense... and towards the end ryan called him out as a "college graduate", then announced he was loosing his voice, played one more song and left the stage - no encore.

the bottom line is, it was amazing... i was a little dissappointed it was only 1:10 long - and am realizing now that i've totally been spoiled by phish - but when the band was playing, man, it was incredible. i am usually not moved by singing, generally i am most into musicianship, but, ryan really hits it and is f'n incredible.

sorry i can't give a set list, but he did play:

takes two

everybody knows

oh my god, whatever, etc.

carolina rain

let it ride

goodnight hollywood blvd.

dear john

and many more...

can't wait to see him again.

That's a fine review, and my sentiments exactley. The music was stunning. I felt like I was at the opera. Each song was worth atleast $5 on its own! I'm surprised the person who snatched the $450 pair off craigslist didn't go up to the balcony and throw the "recent college graduate" off... the acoustics in the enwave are crisp and clear, which didn't make their applauses very approriate... like a half bar into a solo comming out of a slow build?

Sure the rest of the audience was a little slow off the draw for jazz claps at the beginning... but they warmed up quite nice for the end, and it was a bummer they didn't come back out! Maybe he didn't like us?... hehe

Roy Orbision. That's who this guy reminds me of. Oh yeah, he only sang at this show, no 'geetar', and it was really dark on stage, and when some fan asked him to turn up the lights so he could be seen, he replied that he was "trying to sing"... the sunglasses he was wearing in that dim light must of made it pretty dark for him up there.

Nice to see you there NorthernWish and Nina!

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not sure what the zinger was, but I'll agree The Slip are most excellent. Except to say, if they were playing the Enwave Theatre at Harbourfront rather than the Elmo or the Mod Club, you'd be paying a lot more than $15.

Or would people pay more? Wasn't the Mod Club half empty? Ryan Adams sold out the Enwave in like three minutes, at $55 a pop.

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FWIW, it was the singing, it was trancendant. It was a treat to hear it in such a fine building... Like Hamilton said before. It was all about Quality last night.

But the Slip do write fine compositions, and are great players. Just like the Cardinals are in their own right... still you want to rock out at the Slip, and this wasn't that kind of show... and totally worth it. I'm not saying that Brad is as bad a singer as some of his critics suggest... but it was clear that Ryan and the band were prepped and ready to deliver the second they went on stage, until the second they left. There was no warming up... no getting in the groove... it was like, bam... here we are. I'm reminded of Bjork at this point because of how dilligently she treats her vocals by having a sparse touring schedule, but it's totally worth it, cause of the vocal gymnastics she can pull off live. I bet Ryan tours a little more, but if having a short set/no encore once in a while is what you need to get by, then, if for the integirty of the finished product is maintained, it's fine by me. Especially from what I saw last night...

It's great to know that Ryan has so many great songs, just by the ones he didn't play last night.

For $40, I'd do it again in a heartbeat... especially since he hasn't come to Canada too much in the past, and I won't go to the States.

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Well said William. One band I really like, Escalate is all they ever do, one set, no stop between songs and then BANG, done. Unplug, put the instruments away. "Anyone want to buy a CD? We'll be here for five more minutes." Then again, they only cost about ten bucks or so to see.

::personal shot at William::

go ahead just leave the small guys behind why don't ya? }:|

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good call william, he totally had a roy orbison vibe last night...

he wasn't playing his guitar last night due to a wrist injury? i recall reading that somewhere but can't seem to find the article.

it was well worth the $40, and i would do it again.

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I thought the show was absolutely wonderful last night! I was a little disappointed that there wasn't an encore though. The enwave theatre had amazingly clear sound and you could hear Ryan's voice very well. The band was great too, nice acoustic guitar, backing vocals and ah, the pedal steel...

It was quite dark (and freezing) within the theatre, so having seats upclose was a bonus to see more clearly in the dim, moody lighting. The band was nicely decked out in suit attire. Ryan wore dark sunglasses and fidgeted anxiously like a madman all night. The lady that commented early in the night, "turn up the lights Ryan so we can see you" probably set him off I think. I don't think he liked the crowd too much, based on further heckling that ensued.

Ryan's so full of emotion from head to toe, his voice was stunning! This show was so very different from the first time I saw him when he came to Toronto in May 05 supporting Cold Roses. Can't wait til the next time!!!

Brian you are very right(as usual) about quality over quantity with this one!

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Border Guard: Anything to declare?


I feel cleansed. What a simply gorgeous night of music. Following a 2 hour wait at the border, we finally got into Burlington for some food and beer and made our way to the venue and let me tell ya's, when they want to pack Higher Ground, they pack Higher Ground. A little too much chatter throughout the crowd but it didnt seem to matter once we found our sweet spots. That was one of the strongest vocal performances I have ever felt. More later. I need some sleep.

No need for the search party. We made it back in 3 hrs but if you could send out some foot soldiers to find my mind, I think my brain would appreciate it.


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