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Is the Moon off it's axis?


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I am drunk.

That's the best way to begin this.

I am looking though at two different calenders that say that it should be a 1/4 moon tommorow night. i can't help though seeing a perfect 1/2 moon tonight. Is it possible that both calenders I have in my house are wrong, or are we in for a spiral in to the black hole?

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Even if the Moon were off of its axis, it wouldn't change what portion of it you can see from Earth. The correct question would be, is the speed of the Moon's revolution around the Earth changing? Or, perhaps, is the speed of the Earth's rotation changing?

I would bet on the calendars being wrong, personally. :laugh:

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No, I was looking at July.

What are the odds of two calenders being wrong. One was bought in BC and has local pictures in it, the other was bought in Ontario and is of horses.

How do we know that the online one wasn't changed to dumb down the masses about the upcoming spiral into the black hole?

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The rotation of the earth is changing due to the impending polar shift which will occur in 2012...



Incidently, the phenomenon whereby our moon seems to be locked in position around the earth, ie: we only ever see the same face of the moon, never the "darkside" is quite rare in the universe. The only other moon in our solar system that does this is Pluto's moon.

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I know all you hippies are in to conservation and all that, but you do know you can't re-use calendars, right? You need a new one every year.

Well, my calendar is a Bob Marley calendar so maybe they were all toked up when they printed it.........

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