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computer mouse problems


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I've been using someone elses computer and the mouse is crazy. As I slide the pointer around and cross certain hyperlinks on the screen the pointer automatically jumps to one of the corners of the screen.

Anyone have my remedy, I suspect its an easy function change, I just can't seem to find it.


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to elaborate on the last post:

If it's a trackball, take the ball out and clean the rollers you see. They will most likely be black but the plastic is actually white, the black comes off easily using a paperclip (unfolded) or something else pointy like that. You'll see what I mean.

If it's optical (red laser coming out of it), blow on the two laser spots really hard (try not to blow spit) as there is most likely dust in it.

Should work after that.

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Oh yeah, for the laptop problem, make sure that only 1 finger touches the pad at one time and also that there isn't finger grime in the corners of the touchpad. I often accidentally touch the corner of the pad while moving my mouse finger around and the pointer jumps but I've seen the same thing with general dirt built up on the sides.

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I have an optical at work, and the desk is too glossy for it and sends my pointer into hyperspace and it appears somewhere else on the screen like Asteroids.

When I first got it, I did some research and read that I should just use some sort of mouse pad but I just taped a piece of paper in my mouse spot.

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