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Genesis dress rehearsal last night

Kanada Kev

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I GOT IN !!!!

While I am a fan of the 71-80 material the most, they have really provided a wide spectrum of their catalogue to satisfy fans of all eras of Genesis well. As always, they put on a great, and entertaining show. It was a bit "hollow" in the ACC with only about 200 people there, but Friday at BMO Field should be a blast.

The 'show' itself ran for 2½ hours and those who were in attendance were visually treated for the first time to the arena stage setup and the same setlist as the European leg, although the band have 2 other rehearsed songs on the back-burner should they wish to change it up a little.

Here's the setlist:

Behind The Lines…

Duke’s End…

Turn It On Again

No Son Of Mine

Land Of Confusion

In The Cage…

Cinema Show…

Duke’s Travels…


Hold On My Heart <--- B A R F :P

Home By The Sea

Follow You Follow Me

Firth Of Fifth…

I Know What I Like



Throwing It All Away


Drum Duet…

Los Endos

Tonight, Tonight, Tonight…

Invisible Touch

I Can’t Dance

Carpet Crawlers


I feel very fortunate to be seeing so many of the greatest drummers around in this year. I've seen the mind-blowing chops of Phil Collins, Chester Thompson, Neil Peart, Terry Bozzio and Joe Travers (you gotta see this guy, he plays with Zappa Plays Zappa right now ... WOW!) http://www.zappaplayszappa.com/players.html

How did I get in???

I kinda lucked out. A buddy called me and said he was trying to work an angle with a connection of his. Didn't work out. However, he was able to get 3 passes via the Genesis fan club forum after he did a bit of grovelling I think. Too bad, because those went to him, Lilly, and Andrew K (all worthy ) and couldn't get a fourth for me since I wasn't a 'member' of that fan club.

I read a post on the TMB list yesterday that said they they were going to be interviewed on CBC Radio. I read that right as the show started!!! fuÇk. I ran downstairs and tried to find the radio studio they were in. I, of course, hung around outside the wrong damn one. I called the interviewer, Jian Gomeshi, after to talk to him. He said they were all super friendly and really good to interview. Even he didn't know about the dress rehearsal.

Here's the podcast of the interview:


So, after I lost the chance to shake their hands and say hi, i decided to boot over to the ACC after i got off work at 4:15. Went up to one of the women with the magical lists and told her "My name isn't on the list, but the boys were just at the CBC, where I work, and I was told there may be a possibility that I could get in to the show". She instantly laid a pass on me and I was good to go

I'm lucking out with Genesis lately ... the dress rehearsal (full show), won tix on Q107 for the concert on Friday, etc. .... I'm looking for that Ottawa contest to come through now. They come in 3s right???

Here's a link to a few piss-poor pics from my cell phone and some video (with horrid sound) ... but it was only last night :)


Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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im loading up the el camino and heading down to the bmo tomorrow. does phil still hold the flashlight under his spooky chin for moma? :)

Not a flashlight, but a potlight on the stage.

You up for some preshow festivities??? There are a bunch of Genesis freaks that I know who will be having pints at the Foggy Dew (King just west of Bathurst). Park the El Camino up around there and have a nice 15min walk to the stadium (hmmmmm what to do while walking for that amount of time?? ;) )



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Yup still the stupid walk and all ... i never liked that song, however, seeing it live they make it kinda funny and tolerable.

I was just pleased as punch to see Rutherford up there with a double neck (12-string and bass) wonking away to the old stuff. Listen to his bass lines in the 70s and they'll blow you away (a very melodic bass player like Gordon and Lesh).

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