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Whole Wheat Hoax


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Well I'm sure some of you may know this, but I just read today that in Canada unlike the US surprisingly, our whole wheat products that say 100% whole grain whole wheat quite possibly is made with a not so whole, whole wheat flour that has alot of the "whole" grain which is actually what is good for you removed, but they can still advertise on their packaging as being whole wheat.

My 'high' babble typing probably isnt makin sense but what I read today in the National Post did, and brought the WHOLE GRAIN products to a whole new light for me...

If your interested here is the article:


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I was already under the belief that Whole Wheat did not mean Whole Grain. I do look for Whole Grain and I think there are breads and things that you can buy that are made with whole grains.

Isn't dempsters 7-grain bread made with 7 whole grains? They sure crunch like they do.


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Just blazed another :D ...and thought I mise well quote the article for y'all :

"Representatives from food companies producing so-called "whole grain" products don't even know what's in the package.

Case in point: Is the whole wheat in whole wheat pasta whole grain or refined? On the Web site wholegrainpasta. ca, "made from whole grains" is used as a description for Catelli Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat Pasta. On the toll-free consumer line, I was given the same information. Yet in an e-mail to a reader, Ronzoni Foods Canada stated that, the flour is "a coarsely ground, golden-yellow flour obtained from durum wheat (hardest of all wheats). It is not whole wheat."

Hmmm -- the name of the Web site, the description of the pasta, the information from the consumer line all say "whole grain."

Seems like you need a science degree or plenty of spare time to sleuth out the whole grain whole wheat in Canada."

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fuck wholegrainpasta. you shouldn't be eating that much pasta anyway.

Whole grain bread is our regular bread and qinuoa

Nah Ol'Hickster,guess it's all about qinuoa now, although if you go looking for it I believe the proper spelling is quinoa. :P

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The evidence just keeps piling up. Yet none of it may be used to assess the disease-fighting effects of the majority of whole wheat products in Canada. That's according to the world-renowned researchers I contacted last winter when I was shocked to discover that most whole wheat products in Canada are not whole grain. Here in Canada, unlike in the U.S., whole wheat products typically have about 70% of the wheat kernel's germ removed. That means that most popular supermarket brands of whole wheat flour are not whole grain. Even those labelled 100% whole wheat are not likely whole grain.

Calling this refined wheat product whole wheat is something that has been going on since 1964. Back then, when white bread was king and nutritional science had not yet discovered the wide ranging benefits of whole grains, it wasn't a big deal.

But to health professionals, dietitians, health advocacy groups and you, the readers, it is anything but alright now. Many readers expressed anger and said that they felt duped. And it seemed that even Health Canada, in nutritional advice in the new Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide, couldn't distinguish between whole grains and this refined whole wheat. "Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day" is the recommendation, yet some of the foods suggested, including whole wheat pasta, may not be whole grain.

Health Canada has been reviewing the issue of health claims for whole grain products but the subject of whole wheat is not part of the debate.

Meanwhile, Canadians trying to heed Health Canada's nutritional advice are being left in the lurch. Finding real whole grain products continues to be like finding a needle in a haystack. Readers' questions about various whole wheat products continued to arrive following my columns on the whole wheat debacle. One thing was very clear:Confusion abounds.

Sprouted grain breads containing whole wheat is an option readers continue to enquire about. Instead of grinding the wheat kernel into flour and possibly removing vital parts of the grain like the germ or bran, the wheat is sprouted. Nothing is removed. And while there's not a lot of scientific research on the nutritional value, there is some pointing to increased vitamin concentration and better absorption of some minerals during germination. But according to University of Toronto's Dr. David Jenkins, whose research group coined the term glycemic index, the glycemic index, or the rate at which the carbohydrate contained is absorbed into the bloodstream, of sprouted grain breads doesn't differ significantly from milled grains. But Dr. Jenkins does point out that these sprouted grain breads are definitely packed with nutrition and are extremely palatable -- certainly improving the chances of meeting whole grain quotas

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