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Kruger Brothers - Ottawa, Dec. 1

Big Wooly Mammoth

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The Kruger Brothers will be back in Ottawa on December 1st. Venue TBA.

If you’ve never seen these guys before, and you like bluegrass music, do yourself a favour and go to this show. I saw them for the first time in August, and I was blown away. You will not be disappointed.

The Kruger brothers are originally from Switzerland, and now call North Carolina home. They are joined by Maynard Holbrook on tour who provides the band with that classic falsetto bluegrass voice. Listen to him on Working on a Building, which really features his voice. (And they are deadheads taboot!)

You can listen to some clips from previous shows here , including I know You Rider and Don’t Think Twice.

And here are some youtube clips.

working on a building

i know you rider

I’ll post more once this is all confirmed and tickets are available.

Thanks to Craig for putting this show together.

Edited by Guest
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I've got a copy of the August show, or the first set to be precise. I preferred that set. The second set was still really good, but definitely mellower. They started it of with a suite that they performed with the Bangor Symphony. I was so tired that night it almost put me to sleep! (that's not to say it wasn't good - my wife often fell asleep during dark star or space at dead shows.)

I've been given the go ahead to make copies if people are interested. Let me know. I'd be happy to make some copies.

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Venue and time have been confirmed.

the Theatre at 910 Gladstone (previously the GCTC)

show 7:30 pm, doors at 7:00

This is a great venue to see acoustic music. I saw Tom Wilson and the Cash Brothers there a few years ago.

tickets are $15, available at the door or through ticketweb.

(I’m going to see if I can get some tickets ahead of time and avoid the ticketweb surcharges. I’d prefer to have a ticket in hand before I get there. Let me know if you are interested.)

More info at www.krugersottawa.com

(Oh ya, I’ll work on getting y’all copies of the last show)

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Hey - I’ve started a private topic with info about getting the August show. I’ve added everyone who expressed interest in this topic. Let me know if you want to get the show and I’ll send you the info.

Also, let me know if you want tickets. I’m gonna put together an order. $15 each. No service charges.

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Coming back to Ottawa on Saturday December 1, 2007 at the opening of THE GLADSTONE 910 Gladstone (previously the GCTC)

There is an opening band for this show: Leavin' Train & The Stowaways

“A must-see Ottawa group playing driving bluegrass with tight harmonies and instrumental masteryâ€

According to “they are AMAZING so don't miss them!â€

I'm probably gonna pick up tickets this weekend, so if anybody else needs one let me know.

The show should by over by around 11PM for those of you going to Cuff the Duke at Barrymores as well that evening.

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