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What I love/hate about my job (FFTA)...


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- great pay

- 36 hr work week (half day fridays)

- all overtime (incl. wknds) is double time

- extremely good benefits and medical coverage

- with an inter-provincial license, I can go anywhere in Canada or the USA that has a local and work hassle and application free

- never stuck in the same place for too long

- no questions or job searches from or for EI if I get laid off because I'm in a trade union

- free training for many other things (CPR/Welding/fire alarms systems etc)

- I just have to make a phone call and can go to work the very next day if there is a job available, no paperwork except tax forms.

- If I choose, I can quit, or request a lay off and still get EI.

- 7/12s for 60 days


- the toll taken on my back - but in all honesty, thats due to the two spinal surgeries I've had.

- not always alot of local area work

- working outside in jan/feb

- working in rain (as an electrician, I've never been overly comfortable with that)

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I work in a research group at a telecommunications company. It's not product development; instead, we take on (and initiate) projects to try and create new things, often in the form of prototype or demonstrator systems.

What I love:

  • the freedom I have to create stuff
  • the lack of externally imposed controls* on what I do and how I do it
  • the freedom I have to re-envision what I do**
  • flexible hours
  • the money
  • the way my productivity is allowed to vary, from periods of severe slack, to bursts of massive results

What I hate:

  • nothing, really



* A lot of product development (in most industries) is done according to a pre-defined "development process," which defines how you develop stuff, including the documents you have to produce (and how they get reviewed and approved), how (and how much) you have to test the systems, the form/style of, say, program code you produce, etc. While it's essential to producing a safe, functional product, it's onerous and imposing.

** I recently was tackling a big snag with the project I'm on now, and got around it by tossing out a whole big facet of the project. It was a decision I made over the course of about 15 minutes spent staring at my whiteboard..."Hmmm. This is really hanging us up. What would happen if we just didn't include that part of the problem?"

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I love pretty much everything about my job. I sit in a chair with a guitar in my lap and a stereo at my side and every half-hour someone walks in and together we explore the music they're into. Though I've been at it pretty steady for a dozen years or so it still boggles my mind that that is my job description. The hours are great and so are the other people that work there. I can take time off whenever I want and the pay is pretty good too. I get to keep in touch with newer music that I'd likely not otherwise and generally hear lots of stuff that's new to me. The other day a kid brought in an AC/DC cd and wanted to learn Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution. I'd always liked that song but had never sat down and learned it, so now I get paid to sit down and learn it!


There's nothing I hate about my job (if there was I wouldn't be doing it) but the one thing I can think of that I don't like is when I come across a student who just kinda bugs me. This is rare, and when it happens it's rarely a long-standing problem, but it can put a bit of a taint on the day.

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Love: Money, hours, people I work with, getting to play with millions of dollars of high tech electronic instruments that are sometimes the only ones in canada.

Hate: Sometimes it gets really boreing and there is nothing to do... so I surf the internet.. I guess thats not too bad...

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Love: I get to play with play dough, toys, blocks, and sing songs. I can plan what I feel like doing that day. I can act silly and like a kid! I sometimes go to the movies, the zoo, parks, beaches, and other places. I work with awesome people, and get to help special needs children. I get to be creative. I have fun!

Don't like: listening to yelling and whining kids, standing outside in the middle of winter for 1 hour everyday. Constantly problem solving between others.

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What I hate is working outside in the cold and Rain, but what I really love about my job is when people take pictures of heritage buildings in all there glory and say "They Dont Make them like they used to" even though we restorted the Masonry , but they could never tell :P The best work goes un noticed! I get to help keep these buildings around for another couple hundred years

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I like the traveling aspect of my job. Last week I was in Big Spring Texas, this week: Nova Scotia --> New Brunswick --> Ferry across St-Lawrence to Sept-Rivieres --> Victoriaville, then back home. YAY! Today I was snowmobiling in two feet of snow (and calling it work!)

...and we learned this week that we won two power gen contracts to produce renewable (wind) energy on the east coast! YAY again! Time to build.

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I like the traveling aspect of my job. Last week I was in Big Spring Texas, this week: Nova Scotia --> New Brunswick --> Ferry across St-Lawrence to Sept-Rivieres --> Victoriaville, then back home. YAY! Today I was snowmobiling in two feet of snow (and calling it work!)

...and we learned this week that we won two power gen contracts to produce renewable (wind) energy on the east coast! YAY again! Time to build.

right on weebs!

sounds great :)

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