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its Gr8Ful not Gr8Tful no T in it...pfffffft you're such an idiot ;):/ :laugh:

This coming from the guy with a number and a capital letter in the middle of his name. I'm terribly sorry for the non-standard spelling of your retarded name. ;):P

Its the license plate on my Van jesus stop givin me sucha hard time....JERK

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So I wake up this morning' date=' come down stars , make some coffee, and come sit at my computer. I like to keep the house at a cool 64 degrees Fahrenheit (I'm energy conscious what can I say). So I got the coffee resting comfortable between my legs to keep my nads warm. I'm in my jammies because why the fuck would I be interested in getting dressed.

Anyways, my cat decides to jump up on me, and fucking disaster man. Spills my coffee all over me and her. Now my dink is all scalded and sticky and my cat is running around the house freaking out!!.

Anyways my point here is that if I can't deal with a hot wet pussy desperate for my love and affection I am probably woefully unprepared to deal with anyone trying to break into my house.




dr phil for sure

boy he,d love to get in touch with you big bucks ha ha another best seller

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Gr8tful I'm ready to argue now (ha ha an internet fight). Im not saying I'm living the life but there is something to Thoreau. The age old belief of less is more is unfortunately left on the side of the curb. It reminds me of when the power goes out and for the few first moments you are upset sitting in the darkness with the flickering candles... but when the electricity finally comes back on there is a feeling of loss with Its return. It seems that the more you got the 'busier' your life becomes.

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When I was a little kid, our neighbour's son was a drug addict (they also had a really scary dog, and I was always scared it would eat my dog… but that’s another story) Anyways, we lived in a townhouse and one night this kid snuck out of his bathroom window, crawled across the roof of the veranda (which attached to our bathroom window) and climbed into our home. My mom woke up, wrestled this kid into the bathroom, knocked him out and held the door shut while she yelled at me to get her the phone. (This, I remember very well) Luckily this kid was pretty doped up, and didn't try to escape - but I mean, really, he was the NEIGHBOUR! So it probably wouldn't have been hard to find him if he had escaped. ANYWAYS, the cops came, took him away and that was that.

I don't really have a point or anything to argue. All this talk about break-ins and drug addicts just made me remember all this so I thought I’d share the story. I haven't thought about it in years. I guess it's BACK TO THEROPY for me… THANKS A LOT GUYS! just kidding. Honestly though, I don't think anyone really knows how they'll react in a situation until it actually happens.

Oh! I know what my point was... my mom is SUPER WOMAN!!! YEAH!

the end

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P.S. I just sold another Ford because they fuckin' rock!! '03 F150 FX4 in black, hothothothothothothothoth ot!!

happy to hear people are still buying fords

had one ford ltd caused me many problems now its only honda , ah i think they are all the same they put them together too fast

but i am thinking of a grand prix

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For what it's worth...

Monday night Nellie and I learned that our door doesn't lock properly the hard way. A friend of our neighbor that we know as well was drunk and opened our door and came into our apartment. I was fast asleep and didn't notice. Nellie got up and peeked across the hall and saw who it was and asked him to leave then dead bolted the door.

The next morning when we talked about it I told her how if it was me that had woken up to someone entering our place I would've used the trusty steel bat on 'em. There is a two year old girl in this home and I would definitely defend this household (when I'm conscious). Reading this thread (and the other) made me think though. If I were to own a gun and shoot anyone that entered without permission I would've shot someone I know and I would feel absolutely horrible over the mistake I'd made.

Obviously different situations call for different actions but if I had shot that drunk guy I would have a hard time living with myself right now. If I had broken his nose with a bat I would be laughing hysterically right now.

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you want a real story

well here goes

once up a time a cute little girl was born in south nelson new brunswick

she had 7 sisters and 2 brothers

they lived in a very happy home with good parents but the cute little baby girl was more like cinderella looking after all her siblings

then she got to acting up and never stopped

end of story till next time as it is very long

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P.S. I just sold another Ford because they fuckin' rock!! '03 F150 FX4 in black, hothothothothothothothoth ot!!

happy to hear people are still buying fords

had one ford ltd caused me many problems now its only honda , ah i think they are all the same they put them together too fast

but i am thinking of a grand prix

Grand Prixs aren't Ford. They're Pontiac.

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P.S. I just sold another Ford because they fuckin' rock!! '03 F150 FX4 in black' date=' hothothothothothothothoth ot!!

happy to hear people are still buying fords

had one ford ltd caused me many problems now its only honda , ah i think they are all the same they put them together too fast

but i am thinking of a grand prix[/quote']

Grand Prixs aren't Ford. They're Pontiac.

yupper i know thats why i want one

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