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Lets ARGUE ....


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things and I have no problem killing people (or anything else for that matter) to protect it, you dirty drug addict.

how come you are not in afgastian???????//

you wouldn,t have the balls to make it through boot camp

this is not a site for bringing out any anger seriously

go blow your horn some where else

ass hole

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I didn't interpret what ollie wrote as intending that he'd leave anyone behind/vulnerable (he made no mention of anyone else in his description of what he'd do).

Hey, who knew I was being discussed here! ;)

Yes, I do believe I used the phrase "first option" and not "solution", although I do like the idea that there is some sort of Ollie Solution out there. ;) I just wanted to point out that avoiding physical confrontation is your best option if it's available -- you don't have to be hero.

I will say though that I am bothered by the chest thumping that comes with some of the pro-"blow the muthafuggers away" opinion. Feels like a bit of an unnecessary hard man competition. Life is precious and decisions carry consequences. I think Traveler's post up above does a good job of pointing this out.

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this thread is mostly men...as for me, i would definitely choose ESCAPE over any kind of confrontation with someone in my house. i don't have any others to worry about except me, so that's easy.

i do keep a fire extinguisher by my bed though, so i figure if i need to bonk someone on the head i could try that or else blast them with high pressure foam :)

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this is not a site for bringing out any anger seriously

go blow your horn somewhere else

ass hole

I can't begin to say how much I love this.Can it be on the front page always?

I have no compunction about people using force to protect loved ones.

But stuff/things?C'mon.I don't care how hard you worked for something- it doesn't compare to human life in the slightest.

And if that "dirty, drug, addict" ever cleans up?They will have worked far harder than most can fathom, most assuredly more than anybody has worked for their tv.

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I have no compunction about people using force to protect loved ones.

But stuff/things?C'mon.I don't care how hard you worked for something- it doesn't compare to human life in the slightest.

I fully agree with you Allison. People have to detach themselves from their stuff. While we may think that some things are irreplaceable, there's nothing as important as our own lives and those of our loved ones.

Ask yourself, what would you do if your house burned down? Would you be forever grieving about the loss of your tv, stereo, ipod, etc.? Shit, you can always replace those things. Family heirlooms, photos, and such would be a real drag to lose, but we can backup photos now. Send a DVD of photos to your folks as backup. Music? We can always get that again.

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Lisa: I'll stop buying Malibu Stacey clothing.

Bart: And I'll take up smoking and give that up.

Homer: Good for you, son. Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. Have a dollar. [gives a dollar bill to Bart]

Lisa: But he didn't do anything!

Homer: Didn't he, Lisa? Didn't he?

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So I wake up this morning, come down stars , make some coffee, and come sit at my computer. I like to keep the house at a cool 64 degrees Fahrenheit (I'm energy conscious what can I say). So I got the coffee resting comfortable between my legs to keep my nads warm. I'm in my jammies because why the fuck would I be interested in getting dressed.

Anyways, my cat decides to jump up on me, and fucking disaster man. Spills my coffee all over me and her. Now my dink is all scalded and sticky and my cat is running around the house freaking out!!.

Anyways my point here is that if I can't deal with a hot wet pussy desperate for my love and affection I am probably woefully unprepared to deal with anyone trying to break into my house.


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So I wake up this morning, come down stars , make some coffee, and come sit at my computer. I like to keep the house at a cool 64 degrees Fahrenheit (I'm energy conscious what can I say). So I got the coffee resting comfortable between my legs to keep my nads warm. I'm in my jammies because why the fuck would I be interested in getting dressed.

Anyways, my cat decides to jump up on me, and fucking disaster man. Spills my coffee all over me and her. Now my dink is all scalded and sticky and my cat is running around the house freaking out!!.

Anyways my point here is that if I can't deal with a hot wet pussy desperate for my love and affection I am probably woefully unprepared to deal with anyone trying to break into my house.



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